Would you dare to shake these perspiration-filled hands?

Have you ever shaken someone’s hand and thought to yourself, “oh gosh, I need to wash my hands right now!” Or have you ever thought twice before shaking someone’s hand for fear that your sweaty palms might embarrass you?

When sweat glands in the hands become overactive, they produce more fluid on your skin, also known as perspiration.  Excessive sweat that brings problems to people normally occurs at the armpits (axillary hyperhidrosis), feet (plantar hyperhidrosis) and hands (palmar hyperhidrosis).

Why do some people suffer from excessive sweating?

The humid weather in Singapore can cause our body to warm up and produce sweat to cool us down.  Sometimes, stress or anxiety can cause a person to produce even more sweat. For people whose sweat glands are more active than others, their sweat glands will produce more sweat than others.

Other causal factors include:
• Caffeinated drinks and alcohol
• Hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar)
• Medicinal drugs (such as certain painkillers, cardiovascular drugs and antidepressants)
• Menopause
• Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)

Excessive sweating can be controlled and in some cases, prevented from happening. Antiperspirants that are commonly used on the armpits can also be used on the palms. If you feel that your normal antiperspirants are not working, do see a doctor and they will prescribe you stronger antiperspirants.

Avoid caffeine as it can trigger the sympathetic nervous system.

Excessive sweating can result in a number of unwanted problems such as:
• Body Odour
• Infections at sweaty areas
• Socialising problems
• Low self-esteem and depression

For a more comprehensive list, check out this article by Mayoclinic: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/hyperhidrosis/DS01082/DSECTION=complications

When to see a doctor?
If you perspire excessively at night for no apparent reason, or feel that excessive sweating is causing you problems in your daily life, do consult a doctor for medical treatment. For severe cases, you may need to undergo a surgery which will remove the sweat glands.


Menstrual cramps are such a bane, they come every month and put many of us women in a state of misery, and many men in a hapless situation of having to cope with their frustrated female friends and partners.
The pain we experience happens not just in our abdomen but sometimes in our lower back and thighs. Although some women might find the pain bearable, others may find that the pain so bad that they can't carry out their daily tasks.
In fact, a few countries such as Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia and South Korea have grant menstruation leave to their female workforce!

What are menstrual cramps like?

The scientific name for such cramps is Dysmenorrhea. Most people assume that menstrual cramps only cause pain the abdomen. However, that is not the case. It can cause abdominal pain, lower back pain, pain in the hips and/or pain in the thighs. This would explain the various discomforts and lethargy we experience during this monthly period.

Some women may also experience loose stools, dizziness, nausea and vomiting during their period or for the first few days of their period.

What is the cause of such pain?

Hormone changes during the menstrual cycle release a hormone known as Prostaglandins to aid the uterus in contraction and shed the lining of the uterus wall. The contraction of the muscle is the cause of the pain we experience each month.

How to relieve menstrual cramps?

There are over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen that can be taken to relieve the pains. Taking these medications a few days before your period can also stop the release of prostaglandins, thus preventing the pain. Woman who are on oral contraceptive pills are also less likely to experience such cramps.

Placing a heating pad or a hot water bottle at the abdomen or lower back also helps to relieve pain. Taking a nice warm bath or shower can also help you to relax and feel less of the pain. For back aches, gently massage the lower back in circular motions.

Foods that can ease menstrual cramps

Foods that are high in omega-3 and magnesium can help to reduce cramping.
Foods that are high in omega-3 include salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel and sardines, flaxseeds and flaxseed oil and nuts, especially walnuts.
Bananas, avocados, dried apricots, prunes, spinach, cashews, almonds, nut butters, pinto beans, kidney beans, peanuts, tofu, brown rice and millet are rich in magnesium.

Peppermint found in herbal teas is also very good for relieving menstrual cramps. It has a numbing effect on pain including those experienced in headaches and diarrhoea.
For a more comprehensive listing of the types of food for easing menstrual cramps, check out this article: http://www.livestrong.com/article/324135-foods-to-ease-menstrual-cramps/

When to see a doctor?

If you experience persistent unbearable pain each month that gets in the way of your daily work, or you experience cramps even after childbirth or menopause, do consult your doctor, as the following problems also produce symptoms of menstrual cramps:
  • Endometriosis. In this painful condition, the tissue that lines your uterus becomes implanted outside your uterus, most commonly on your fallopian tubes, ovaries or the tissue lining your pelvis.
  • Uterine fibroids. These noncancerous growths in the wall of the uterus rarely may be the cause of pain.
  • Adenomyosis. In this condition, the tissue that lines your uterus begins to grow into the muscular walls of the uterus.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). This infection of the female reproductive organs is usually caused by sexually transmitted bacteria.
  • Cervical stenosis. In some women, the opening of the cervix may be so small that it impedes menstrual flow, causing a painful increase of pressure within the uterus.

The men can help too  

Believe it or not, women hate PMS as much as you do. Hormonal changes and menstrual cramps can cause women to feel really tired, irritable and be in a bad mood. Do empathise with our discomfort and not take it personally if we're short-tempered with you.

Help your loved one ease the discomfort by bringing her painkillers, hot water bottles and comfort food that puts her in a good mood, and generally being nice to her. She'd be so touched that she'd love you more for it, and try to make up for the hard time she gave you!  


Would you kiss these lips?

With our tropical island being such a humid place, it comes as a surprise to many that skin dryness and dehydration is a rather common ailment in Singapore. While we may not get harsh winters or scorching hot sun, long exposure to the drying airs of air conditioners in our homes or in the office removes moisture from our bodies. Many of us recognise the harmful drying effects of airconditioning on our face, around the eyes and on our hands (wrinkles!) and are well-equipped with moisturiser for these areas. Unfortunately, the lips tend to go neglected.
The skin on our lips are thin and, compared to other exposed skin on our body, are more prone to drying out and cracking. Though women have the tendency to apply a lipstick or lip gloss to the lips at the start of the day, such products may not have sufficient moisturizing properties, especially when one works in the air-conditioned office all day long.

Having dry lips not only looks unappealing, it also feels uncomfortable, and can be a painful experience as it can result in your lips cracking and bleeding. Applying a lippie over cracked lips can look ugly, it is comparable to having cakey foundation on your skin. More importantly, chapped lips is a sign of dehydration and can lead to health complications if not looked into.

To reduce dehydration in the office, have a cup of water at hand, not for drinking, but simply to keep the air moistured

It is important to always have your eight glasses of water a day! In the office, make sure you drink lots of water. Are you so engrossed with your work that you don't touch your mug of water even if it's just next to your keyboard? Here is a tip. Set an hourly alarm on your phone, loud enough for you to hear but not to disrupt your colleagues. Each time your phone buzzes, drink a glass of beverage. By the end of a typical day in office, you should have drank almost eight glass of water! Do also supplement your diet with fruits and soups as these contain water content.

Good habits to keep your lips soft and smooth:

1.      Exfoliate. Yes, exfoliate the lips but not with a facial scrub. Lips are delicate and may feel sore and even bleed after a round of scrubbing. Exfoliating the lips removes dead skin cells, allowing your lips to absorb the moisturising properties of your lip balm more effectively. 

      A DIY lip scrub is easy . Using your toothbrush, gently rub your lips with it. You can also mix coarse sugar with a little honey and Vaseline to form a sticky paste and rub it over your lips. Not only is this a sweet treat, but honey itself has many healing properties that can benefit the lips.

2.      Moisturise. Use your favourite lip balm to maintain the moisture in the lips. Both men and women should have a lip balm at hand, and touch it up throughout the day whenever necessary, such as after meals.If you suffer from extremely dry lips, you can try products such as Vaseline that can be found in a drugstore near you. Another product that is renowned for its moisture retaining and healing properties for the lips is the Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour cream lip stick. It is a colourless lip balm that can protect your lips from even the coldest winter while repairing the cracked portions of your lip.

Other lip balms that work for me include the Lip Smacker range that can be found in Watsons or Guardian and the Baby Lips lip balm by Maybelline.

3.      Colour Up! For women, don’t forget to add some colour to your lips with either a lipstick or lip gloss. There is an increasing number of lipsticks that also function as lip gloss. These serve a two in one purpose, moisturising while making your lips look beautiful.
Flaky lips with matte lipstick colour.
If your lips are prone to dryness, avoid matte lip colours as this will only make your dry lips look even more obvious. Go for glossy colours instead, and stick to lipsticks that have rich moisturizing properties in them.
Remember, looks may not be everything, but physical appearance reflects on the condition of your health. Don't neglect it!
