It's the season for spring-cleaning and many of us are working hard on cleaning our rooms and clearing out clutter. However, it is human nature to overlook the little things, such as our keyboards, which, according to a study, has 60% more germs than a toilet seat because we touch it so often, even when we're eating.

If you use your computer often and don't clean it, your keyboard would be home to many types of bacteria, including staph and strep bacteria. These can cause various infections like pharyngitis (strep throat), bacterial pneumonia and cellulitis which can lead to toxic shock syndrome, a rare but potentially fatal disease. If you touch your face often while working, needless to say, you're also creating a breeding ground for acne.

Clean your keyboard / laptop often

Make sure to clean your keyboard / laptop at least once a week, not just your own precious keyboard at home, but also the one at your office, which you probably use more.

First of all, lift up your keyboard / laptop and gently but firmly shake it so that bits and pieces like food crumbs and eraser shavings fall out of it. Wipe your table, and then use a keyboard brush to sweep in between the keys. That should dislodge more filth. Finally, use bacteria wipes to wipe your screen and the exposed surface of your keys. Don't use a wet cloth as water may cause your device to fail. Should you wish to use a wet cloth, make sure you wipe your device when it is turned off, and set it aside to dry before using.

For stubborn dirt and dust stuck in between the keys, there are USB vacuum cleaners to help.

Keep your hands clean

Keep a small bottle of hand sanitiser next to your keyboard, so that you can use it whenever you stop work to do something else. This will relieve the hassle of having to go to the toilet all the time.

And on the habit of your beloved gadgets, don't forget your touchscreen tablets and phones! Take a good look at them under the light, you might be shocked (but you shouldn't) to see it grimy and even with finger prints all over. Use a piece of wet tissue or better still, alcohol wipes, to wipe your screen. Do use a microfibre cloth to wipe your phone all over as well once it is dry. You should in fact make this a regular habit. We're so attached to our phones these days that it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that they are an extension of our hands, and every bit as dirty.

It is common knowledge that lack of sleep or poor quality sleep gives rise to a whole host of health problems. Perhaps many of us have experienced it first hand. If you consider it nothing more than a daily annoyance, you’ll have to reconsider your stand again. Research by Jeffrey Iliff, a brain scientist at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, indicates that lack of sleep could lead to Alzheimer's disease, also commonly known as dementia.

Among research animals that don’t get proper sleep, toxins build up and damage the brain (yes animals get Alzheimer’s too). It is thus assumed that during sleep, the brain clears our toxins and consequently, lack of sleep time causes the brain to fail to conduct this duty adequately. More advanced research will have to be done with human subjects to further prove the results.

Nevertheless, lack of sleep is certainly detrimental to everyday functions, and people who have contracted Alzheimer’s disease have had known sleeping problems. There are solutions for the average person who has trouble getting shut-eye. However, as we age, getting sufficient deep sleep does get challenging due to decreasing melatonin, even if one is not plagued by other health problems.

Senior citizerns who are already vulnerable to health conditions, should not cast off lack of sleep as a natural process of ageing, but instead strive to get the required amount of sleep, which means 7 to 8 hours a day, for optimal health. Here are some tips to combat sleeping problems related to ageing:

Keep the mind and body active in the day so that you’ll crave rest at night. Exercise regularly and indulge in your hobbies and social activities with friends and loved ones. If you have plenty of time to spare, volunteering and attending classes are good ways to expend that extra energy.

Do things that improve your mood. Keep yourself occupied with activities you enjoy. Talk to someone about your problems, so that you can go to bed with a light heart and head.

Get some sunlight in the morning. Sunlight helps to regulate production of melatonin, which is essential for sleep.

Limit caffeine, alcohol and nicotine, which will affect the quality of sleep.

Seek doctor’s advice on medical conditions and medications that prevent you from sleeping. Lack of sleep can certainly interfere with your recuperation and the doctor would surely wish to be aware if you have trouble sleeping.

If there is a tendency of waking up to use the bathroom at night, refrain from drinking water 2 hours before bed. Instead, get your required daily 8 glasses of water in the day time.

Snoring and sleep apnea are symptoms of breathing problems during sleep disorder and they occur more frequently with age. Be sure to have them checked out by a doctor. Also consider investing in ear plugs if your partner is a snorer.

Have a comfortable sleeping environment that is dark, quiet, of the right temperature, safe and tidy (no piles of unrelated stuff on your bed).

Go to sleep at a regular time everyday, and lie down even if you cant fall asleep right away. Allow the mind to relax and eventually drift off to sleep.

If try as you might, you simply cant sleep, or if you find yourself constantly feeling tired and sleepy in the day, do consult a doctor. Lack of sleep should not be brushed off easily!
For this year ahead, make it your resolution to get good quality sleep for 8 hours each day!