Rather than feel depressed about the loss of one of his fingers, this Finnish computer programmer, who is named Jerry Jalava, actually turned the situation into an advantage by creating a prosthetic finger with an integrated USB-powered flash memory , for his own use.
I find that simply amazing.
When illness strikes, or when people suffer some form of physical impairment, depression usually sets in. They are sad and angry all at once, and feel that life is not worth living anymore. Usually, the last thing they would think about is how to exploit their disabled status to get the most out of the situation.
But that's exactly what we should do. By going down this route, we are not only throwing away all negative thought, but are exercising our innovativeness at the same time.
And so, if you are ever in a situation where all hope seems to be lost, try to accept your situation, and instead of railing at everything and everyone, take the opportunity to live life like you have never done so before, doing things that you would never have thought of.
Or you can be savvy opportunist like Jerry and think about how best you can emerge from your position even stronger, even if it looked you were fighting a losing battle at the start.
In fact, Jerry's not stopping there, and is thinking about tricking out his lump of a finger with upgraded memory modules and wireless technology.
His one-of-a-kind 'thumb' drive will soon be considered to be the most advanced in the entire world!