In a recently conducted survey by the Heath Promotion Board (HPB), it was discovered that one out of ten Singaporeans were overweight.
Granted, we’re still a long way off the obesity rates of countries like the
So what does this boil down to? Simple. Singaporeans are not getting enough exercise and they’re not eating healthily. What’s even more worrying is that all of this is happening in spite the efforts of the HPB in promoting awareness, healthy living programmes with emphasis on exercise and a healthy diet.
Remember, taking small steps is often better that asking to drastically change entire lifestyles overnight. Let us not kid ourselves with instant fixes. The changes we seek can only come about with diligence over time. So immerse yourself in supportive environments, skip the finger food, be an informed customer when it comes to nutritional values of food. The list goes on. With every small success, won’t you feel motivated to do much more? I know I am.
We’re losing the battle of the bulge but we can still win the war.