It has been awhile! Apologies for the inactivity. The General Elections has been keeping me and just about every eligible voter in Singapore busy for the past weeks. I don't think I've had a less healthy week than the last. I was out until near or past midnight when I attended rallies. I always ate supper with my friends before I went home. To top it off, I've braved the rain and been sardine-canned among crowds of people, and come down with a bit of cold, either from the rain or germs from someone in the crowd, I do not know. On the night of the GE, I snacked on potato chips while I stayed up well into the wee hours of dawn.
Oh well, GE has never been so exciting in Singapore since the early days of independence, so it's all right to be unhealthy for a bit. After all, the election candidates probably have it far worst. The most important thing, however, is to nurse myself back to health. If you've read my previous blog entries, I mentioned that there's no such thing as making up for sleep loss by getting lots of sleep the next day. Once sleep is lost, it's lost forever. That's why it is ever so important to revert back to your daily, healthy, routine as soon as possible.
The return of the haze is an added burden to stuffy noses and weakened lungs. When I visited my GP, the queue of patients was so long that I waited more than an hour for my turn! In the following weeks, unfortunately, I believe more people will be dropping by the clinics (well we Singaporeans are a pampered lot). It's best to seek prevention rather than a cure.
All the more, a healthy lifestyle and a light diet is especially important during such times.
- Eat more fruits and vegetables. They help to keep those defense mechanisms in your body active.
- Drink lots of fluids, including water, soups and fruit juices, but stay away from soft drinks
- Porridge is a healthy dish, especially suitable for those nursing sore throats.
- Avoid exercising outdoors. Hit the gym, or if you live in a HDB flat, do some stair-climbing.
- If you're down with a flu, or your nose is irritated by the haze, wear a mask.
- Get lots of rest, sleep early and wake up early!
Good luck battling the haze and post-election blues!