with just this...
Japan's pelvic pillow diet has in recent years gained much fame among busy women who desire to be slim. Despite being called a "diet", it does not require the user to control one's food intake (though like all fitness and slimming programmes, one is encouraged to eat healthily and exercise regularly). The basic premise is to lie down on a long, thin pillow and do a couple of simple (but strenuous) poses for no more than 3 minutes. You don't even perspire, so it is perfect for before bedtime, and before rushing off to work. It is thought that these exercises can correct pelvic distortion which is responsible for certain health problems. Users of this method have reported significant loss of inches of weight in as short a period as 2 weeks.
How pelvic distortion can lead to weight gain / flab:
- Tummy sticks out when internal organs are pulled downwards
- Constipation and poor metabolism due to poor position/functioning of organs
- Poor blood circulation
- Bad posture makes it easy to accumulate fat and difficult to use it in muscles that are rarely used.
There are many Japanese books published on the pelvic pillow diet that you can find in Kinokuniya, and many of them come with a deflatable pillow of the recommended dimensions. If you can't read Japanese, there are Chinese versions available from Taiwanese publishing companies that translate the books. Though most of them come with full-coloured pictures, there are crucial instructions to follow, such as the limit to how long and how many times you can do the exercise, so being able to understand such instructions is essential so you don't hurt yourself.
If you do not wish to buy a pillow (no, the ones you use in bed are usually too thick and bulky), you can try to DIY your own. Here is a post on how it can be done with bath towels and string.
Regardless of whether you use an inflatable pillow or DIY towel/cloth pillow, bear in mind that the pillow must be firm but not hard. If it's so hard that pressing down on it does not produce any dent, it may hurt your back.
For beginnings and basic correction of pelvic distortion, here is a fundamental set of exercises as recommended from the book "史上最長100CM骨盤枕" (The world's longest 100cm pelvic pillow)
1) Position the pillow in a horizontal position. Sit up with your pelvis (the area right above your bottom) pressing against the middle point of it.
Like this:

2) Bend your knees so that they are angled 90 degrees from the ground.
3) Slowly lower your back to lie down. The pillow should be firmly etched under your pelvis. Place your palms on the pillow (beside your pelvis) for better support.
4) Without moving your upper body, turn your legs (still in 90 degrees angle) to the side until the leg facing downwards is against the ground. Hold your position for 30 seconds, breathing normally as you do so. You may experience a slight pull along the side of your body that is facing upwards.
5) Turn your legs to the other side and do the same.
One minute should do the trick, but if you want to do more sets, cap it to 3 minutes or you may strain yourself. Do this once every day and night and you should see some positive results soon. Results would be optimum if accompanied with a healthy diet and regular physical activity.
As with most DIY routines, results vary. If you aren't seeing any quick results despite all the raving reviews, don't give up. It's always good to give your body a daily stretch, and further more, it barely takes up time. If you're following a picture guide, have someone take a look to ensure that you've got the poses right. Above all, only do exercises/poses from legitimate sources, and within the recommended limits. Doing the wrong ones may cause more harm than good.