No, this is not an exhibition of the mummies of Pompeii

Chinese New Year is often a stressful affair that lasts a few weeks, especially if you're in charge of hosting! And sadly, there's no break for most after the "holidays" as work, household chores, caregiving responsibilities etc carry on as per normal.

If you didn't manage to sneak a vacation out of the long weekend, you're probably looking forward to some efficient form of relaxation to soothe those tired muscles.

Then perhaps you might take interest in something called Otonamaki. which literally means "adult wrapping". This is a Japanese therapeutic method that's meant to resolve posture and muscle stiffness problems often attributed to stress and long hours at the desk job.

In Otonamaki, you curl yourself up in a fetal position and are bundled up in a white breathable cloth. Each process lasts about 20 minutes.This therapy takes inspiration from babies being bundled up in cloth in a similar fashion, meant to stimulate their physical development.

The therapy is getting pretty popular in Japan and people who tried it claim they have found their bodies to become more flexible, a sign that the stiff muscles have loosened up. But medical professionals do not consider it a legitimate physiotherapy method; some caution against muscle strains and spinal problems if one stays in the same position for too long i.e. more than 30 minutes.

Personally I can think of several things that can go wrong, ranging from a sudden fire that causes me to be left as a helpless sacrifice to the flames, to a treatment turned revenge-murder by the helper who secretly bears a grudge against me. Perhaps my brain is in need of relaxation too.

In any case, if you're intrigued by this therapy, and can't fly to Japan to try it, here is a video that shows you how it's done.

Yes, you do need an assistant, someone that you can entrust your life to and who clearly knows what they are doing, someone that doesn't secretly wish to murder you.

For those who can't get a helping hand, or prefer something more conventional, stay tuned for the next update. In the meantime, take care of yourself, get sufficient rest and drink lots of water, stay zen, and focus on enjoying the reunion with the people you care about, because this is the only thing that deserves your full attention.

Wishing everyone a prosperous year of the Rooster!

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