Fortunately, institutes like the National Cancer Centre runs continuous public information programmes. Conducted by their in-house doctors, these programmes are very comprehensive, and furthermore, these doctors take their time to express their knowledge in ways that their audience can understand.
That's why NCCS' programmes are always in-demand, and are packed to the brim with eager listeners! There's one coming up, focusing on Liver, Stomach and Pancreas Cancers. I urge you to register for it before its too late!
Here are the details:
CancerWise Workshop
Liver, Stomach & Pancreas Cancers
28 February 2009
1pm (Registration), 1.30pm - 4pm (Workshop)
Function Room, Level 4
National Cancer Centre
11 Hospital Drive
Singapore 169610
- Conducted in English.
A/Prof Pierce Chow
Senior Consultant
Dept of Surgery, SGHTopics:
1. Common problems of liver, stomach & pancreas
2. Risk factors & Signs and Symptoms
3. Early detection and Prevention
4. Diagnosis and Treatment
CNE point: 2 CNE points
Fee: $10 for public, $5 for health professionals
To register, please call the Cancer Helpline at 6225 5655, or you may send an email to cancerhelpline@nccs.com.sg