In cities such as Singapore, we are often too busy to have the time to work out. A typical morning can start as early as 5.30am. We wake our kids up, send them to school. After which, we rush down to work gulping down our breakfasts. This is then followed by a hectic schedule of meeting after meeting. We barely even have time to have lunch. Many nights, we spend time in the office, working over our limits just to finish our project. When we finally reach home, we are just happy that we can sleep in our beds. Day after day passes, we can barely have time for ourselves, let alone go to a gym?
Fret not, now you can exercise the comfort of your office space. These exercises take up minimal time and are easy to do:
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Five Key Stretches
(do stretches for 15-30 seconds)
1) Neck Stretches - Slowly tilt your head toward your shoulder and hold for ten seconds each side. Keep this one slow and easy, the neck is very easy to injure.
2) Arm Shoulders - Pull your arm across your chest, hook your other arm around it to pull the tension out of your upperback and rear shoulders.
3) Back / Legs - Lean forward at the waist either from the standing position or sitting and bring your chest toward your thighs. Slowly try to straighten your legs - stretching your hamstrings.
4) Thigh Stretch - Sit on left edge of your chair or stand. Grab your left ankle and pull it upward toward your buttocks. Switch sides.
5) Calves Stretch - Stand and lean into your desk with your heels on the floor. Bend your knees slightly to stretch your achilles tendons.
Five Key Exercises
1) Legs - Squats - Stand in front of your chair and repeat sitting down and standing up 10 times three times a day.
2) Shoulder Shrugs - Just pull your shoulders as high as you can and roll them forward ten times and backward ten times throughout the day.
3) Dumbbell Curls - While on the phone, you can grab a dumbbell and do bicep curls for 20 repetitions three times a day. Straighten your arms by your side and bring your hand (dumbbell) to your shoulder. Keep your palms up. Do one at a time if on the phone.
4) Bench Dips - Using your chair or sturdy table, place your hands on the edge of the object and bend your arms to slowly lower yourself about six inches lower than the seat. Raise yourself by straightening your arms. Repeat this three times a day for 10 repetitions.
5) Assisted Push-up - In the office, lean up against your desk and push yourself away from the desk while in a leaning position. Repeat this three times a day for 10 repetitions
Sometimes simply taking in deep breaths and holding your stomach in is a good exercise. It also helps revive you mentally so that you are more alert when you start working.