Running is one of the easiest forms of exercises around. You can do it anywhere and its definitely cheap. All you really need is a good pair of jogging shoes, a planned route of where to run and you’re ready to go.
In recent years however, running or jogging for women has received a bad rap.
I even read online, some months back of a woman whose menstrual cycle stopped completely after continuous running for 23 weeks, every day. The truth is any sort of exercise when performed too rigorously can cause a change in a woman’s menstrual cycle. A woman’s menstrual cycle can be affected by both physical activities and psychological effects. Jogging can cause both since it is both tiring and can be slightly stressful if you’re hoping to reach a target.
Jogging can also hurt your joints. When your feet hit the ground with every step, there is an impact that can cause harm to your joints. Therefore, joggers/runners who do not invest in a good pair of running shoes are subjecting themselves to more risk than those who do have a good pair.
In older people, it can also be difficult to jog or run since they their joints are not as strong as those of younger people. People aged 60 and above are advised not to over exercise. Jogging may not be a suitable activity in some cases.
The debate however, continues. Jogging/running loyalists swear by the benefits of running. Exercises such as jogging/running help you release happy hormones (Endorphins) into your system. Taking a jog early in the morning can mean a difference in your mood for the rest of the day. Jogging/Running also has helps a person burn unwanted calories in huge amounts.
As I always say to my friends, ‘balance is key’. Jogging is a great exercise and the benefits can be seen by everyone. However, we should never over estimate ourselves and jog more than we really should. I think a 3-5 times of jogging weekly is sufficient for each person. Jog in the mornings from Monday till Friday. Let your body recuperate over the weekends. Jogging can be a strenuous exercise and the body needs time to recover and repair the muscles used during jogging. You will find that the weekend rest will do you good.
Here are some tips to help you ease into your running regiment:
1. Wear a good pair of shoes (and tie them up!)Jogging can be a pain if your laces keep falling out because you did not tie them properly. Your momentum would then be interrupted and this can have an effect on how well you perform.
2. Eat/ Drink something before jogging
Eat something light before going jogging. Make sure you are well hydrated before your run. Having a dry throat while you run can be annoying. You want to have enough energy so that you can perform better during your run.
3. Progress slowly
Injuries are sometimes the result of people taking things too fast. When you are jogging, set a realistic goal. If you are tired, don’t be afraid to stop. Even if you did not reach your goal this time round, you can aim to do better the next time
4. Jog on the spotBefore you run, it is important to warm up your body system so that it can prepare itself for this gruelling activity. Jog on the spot for about a few minutes or so and you will be ready to go.
5. Choose softer surfaces
When jogging, choose dirt paths instead of concrete paths. Concrete paths can be harsh to our joints. Concrete and asphalt reflect landing forces back up your leg. However, when jogging off the beaten path watch out for twigs or holes that you could trip over.
You can reap the benefits of jogging if you perform it the right way.
If jogging is not your thing, perhaps consider walking, which can give the same results.