Singaporeans love cold weather. We know this when we walk into our shopping malls where our air conditioners are turned on at full blast as if we want to recreate an all year round winter season in them . However, there are still those who, unsatisfied with the rainy weather in Singapore choose to flock to colder regions and experience what a truly White Christmas feels like.
However, when it comes to truly cold, Christmas time weather, many of us fall prey to bone chilling cold. We’re talking about a freezing minus five degrees temperature here. It is the kind of weather that will send you running for shelter as soon as you see one. Just talking about it makes me want to put on an extra shawl. Brr..
Under these circumstances, it becomes even more important to have a stronger emphasis on a proper, healthy regime. As the weather becomes colder, viruses are in a better place to breed. A proper daily health regime is one that ensures a balanced, nutritious diet. It is also one where you maintain good hygiene practices such as washing your hands before you eat or whenever you finish you business in the toilet. Also one should remember to have lots of rest to prepare the body to fight off viruses.
Many online health websites suggest getting the flu shot. There are many opinions about the H1N1 jab, but I personally feel a flu jab is necessary, especially if you are one who foregoes a proper health regime. (Tips on staying healthy, having a proper health regime are scattered throughout this blog…)
There are also those that suggest taking multi vitamins. My mother, if she were to read this, would strongly disagree. In her opinion, proper nutrition should be taken from the source itself. Say you need a dosage of Vitamin C, she would suggest you drop that Vitamin C pill and eat some oranges instead. However, a traveler has to contemplate the availability of certain food sources overseas. They may not be as easily available, or in great abundance, as those in Singapore. In such a case, I think that vitamins are a great source. They are easily portable and have a small chance of being subjected to query at airports.
The air in colder climates can be pretty dry. What you need is a good bottle of moisturizer to prevent your skin from drying up tearing. Dry skin is especially apparent in older people, but any young person from these tropic parts are at risk of dry skin as well. Dry skin can become irritating and if inflamed will cause much discomfort and your White Christmas holiday will probably not be an enjoyable one.
(For tips on skin care do visit http://facegood.blogspot.com/, where author Lydia shares her tips on skin care.)
Personally I like a hot bowl of soup when I’m in a wintry place. Nothing warms your body and soul better than a good delicious bowl of soup. Well, nothing except maybe a hot cup of Milo. No, not hot chocolate, but Singapore’s favourite morning drink, Milo. The taste and warmth reminds me of home and really, when wrapped under those blankets in your miserably cold room, sneezing while watching the rerun of yet another CNN program, don’t you just miss Sunny Singapore?