It should be a God given right that humans are able to eat well, but eat cheap. Here’s how:
1. Cut out the junk
Stop buying snacks you know are going to make you put on those pounds. If you know they are artery clotting, why waste your money on them? Instead put your money to good use and buy useful ingredients
2. Cook in
By cooking at home, you can be sure of the nutrition that you put in your food. Rather than paying a stranger to cook you up a dish in an overpriced restaurant where you wont even know what goes into the food.
3. Write a grocery List
By writing a grocery list, you can plan out what you will be buying and stick to it. This will lessen the temptation to buy unwanted groceries.
4. Buy the important healthy foods first
If you buy the necessary ingredients, you will be less tempted to fill up an empty shopping trolley
5. Cook large portions ahead
This will allow you to not only save costs, but save time. By cooking ahead of time, you are planning of what to eat in the following days ahead. By planning ahead, you will be therefore planning your nutrition in advance, and you can cut costs and plan your daily nutrition with much more ease.
6. Try going meatless on certain days
Certain vegetables such as beans are a cheaper alternative to meat but do not discount you of your daily protein source.
7. Reuse and recycle
Just like new water, you can reuse your food, but not in a gross way. You can find recipes that can turn leftovers from previous nights into delicious meals. In American online websites, they suggest that people make burritos out of their meals. The thing is, American meals, unlike Asian ones contain meat for the most part of their meals. A typical Asian dish, however, would probably contain more carbohydrates such as rice. The best thing to do probably is to eat your dishes with different carbs such as noodles, if you had rice the night before. Or if you cooked too much rice, you could always use it for fried rice.
8. Make your own snacks
Fruits juices can not just be drank but poured into popsicle makers to make fruit popsicles – a cheap, healthy and delicious snack. You can also make your own yoghurt by buying a huge tub of yoghurt, you can add in your own fruits and create your own tasty desert sans extra calories.
9. Borrow/Search for healthy and cheap recipes
There are some very tasty and healthy recipes out there that won’t burn a hole in your pocket
Another reason to eat cheap ? Keeping in shape is also one of the best ways to stay away from an expensive visit to the doctor’s.