There are many health foods that are featured in the media and elsewhere. However what are the foods that really benefit you? Here are a few to get you started.
1. Eggs
Eggs are a good source of protein and minerals. A study in the US has shown that people who eat eggs for Breakfast lose weight 65% faster who don’t. Research has also shown that people who eat eggs at least four times a week have lower cholesterol levels than those who ate fewer than one.
Besides, doesn’t the idea of cooked eggs to complete your breakfast appeal to you?
2. Green Tea
The benefits of Green Tea have been long acknowledged now. Hundreds of studies have been conducted documenting the health benefits of catechins, the group of antioxidants concentrated in the leaves of tea plants. It is also a better choice than say a carbonated drink.
3. Garlic
Garlic possess Allicin, an antibacterial and antifungal com that helps you fight cancer, strengthen your cardiovascular system, decrease fat storage, and fight acne inflammation. Garlic is another versatile item you can add in many dishes such as fish or pasta. It really adds an extra punch to whatever it is you are having for lunch or dinner. However, if you overcook it, you might destroy the benefits, also, it can make your food bitter.
4. Grapefruit
A study in California showed that people who ate half a grapefruit with each meal lost an average of 3.6 pounds (1.6 kg) over the course of 12 weeks, and some lost as many as 10 pounds. Those who didn’t lost only ½ pound. It also showed that those who ate grapefruit showed a decrease in insulin levels. This means, by consuming grapefruit, their bodies had an increased metabolism rate. Besides weight loss benefits, grapefruit eaters also earned lycopene—the cancer-preventing antioxidant found most commonly in tomatoes.
5. Greek Yoghurt
This magical food from the gods allows you to eat and feel full longer. It contains protein to give you energy as well as fill your stomach so you don’t overeat later on. It is also more healthy than regular yoghurt in the sense that excessive sugars such as lactose have been removed and it has three times more protein. A single cup has about a quarter of your day’s calcium, and studies show that dieters on calcium-rich diets have an easier time losing body fat. A study showed that those on calcium rich diets lost 70 percent more body weight than those on calorie restricted diets.
6. Bell Peppers
Carotenoids, the wonderful chemical which provides bell peppers with its beautiful healthy colour but also carry a range of health benefits. They include:
improved immune function, better communication between cells, protection against sun damage, and a diminished risk of several types of cancer. The bell pepper cousins are still loaded with carotenoids and vitamin C, but have the added benefit of capsaicins, temperature-raising phytochemicals that have been shown to fight headache and arthritis pain as well as boost metabolism.
7. Almonds
Almonds are great for munching as a snack. They are low in fat, high in fibre and protein, they are the perfect health snack if you jaws are aching to move. One study showed that participants nuts or rice cakes, those who ate the nuts felt full for an hour and a half longer than the rice cake group did. Also, Almonds are full of mono saturated fat and are great for improving your memory. An ounce of almonds—or about 23 nuts—a day provides nearly 9 grams of heart-healthy oleic acid; that’s more than the amounts found in peanuts, walnuts, or cashews