Remember during PE class in school where they made you skip? Well, skipping isn’t just for kids any longer.
Skipping can be one of the easiest ways of keeping fit. Skipping allows you to make full use of your body using both your arms and legs. This makes skipping one of the most rigorous exercises around helping you burn as much as 110 calories in a matter of 10 minutes. It is also much less torturous than a 1.5km run.
The key as with starting any exercise is to start slow. Slow and steady leads the way. Slowly add to your pace; slowly make your run more difficult.
This is the perfect kind of exercise for both young and old. You can do it in the safety of your own house without having to face the onslaught of traffic at traffic junctions. A skipping rope can cost you around $3 and is easily affordable. After your exercise, it can also be easily kept away. It carries lesser risk of joint pains.
Expert tips on skipping:
1. You need a lightweight rope with a cord that straightens easily, some fitness attire and a pair of well-cushioned shoes.
2. Swinging the rope while you bounce to the beat of music - prior to doing actual skipping. You are more likely to experience success when you eventually jump into the rope. In addition, learning to skip to the tempo of popular songs is also fun and engaging.
3. While skipping, keep your elbows tucked into your sides while the rope turns around smoothly. Also keep your back straight and avoid leaning forward
4. You can also focus on different muscles by controlling your grip. Holding the rope will focus more on the shoulders, whereas holding the handles works the forearms. Jumping from side to side (skier) will target the inner thighs, and jumping forwards and back (bell jump) increases the work of the front of the thighs. To focus on the lower stomach try the running step. To work the inner and outer thighs try the straddle.
Here’s a workout you can easily follow.
Continuous skip 2mins
Fast skip or Double Unders 30secs/March 30secs x 3
Skier 1min
Fast skip or Double Unders 30secs/march 30secs x 3
Continuous skip 3mins
Bell Jump 1min
Continuous skip 1min
Running Step 1min
Straddle 1min
Continuous 1min
Straddle 1min
Continuous 1min
Double Unders and Crossovers 1min
Sixty to seventy turns per minute is a good starting pace (roughly 1 turn per second).
So why not switch up? Consider skipping instead of jogging today.