Using stem cell therapy, doctors are able to release mature leucocytes or white blood cells. By isolating these cancer cells, doctors may be able to find a cure for cancer cells.

Cancer researchers have discovered that some tumours are the result of cancer stem cells that have similar characteristics with other kinds of stem cells.

Embryonic stem are conceived inside a microscopic, still round embryo. This conception can take place in any kind of organism, something potential researchers call ‘pluripotency’. In adults stem cells are almost unique from most other cells.

Since most cells have specific tasks assigned, they will come to a terminal stage of their development. This means that they only have a specific kind of task. They rarely divide and re- generate in the new cells. They might wear out and eventually die. However, Stem cells are usually immortal and do not wear out and die. They usually never become a specialized cell.

When tumor cells from patients are isolated and cultivated in a laboratory culture dish, only a small part of the tumour cells are capable of re- generating the tumour. There are some researchers who believe that these are cancer stem cells.

Right now the best known stem cell therapy to date is the bone marrow transplant, which is used to treat leukemia and other types of cancer as well as various blood disorders.

Besides being suspected to be the cause of many tumours, some scientists suspect that cancer stem cells are also most guilty of resistance to current cancer treatment drugs. If we are able to better understand the molecular, biochemical and functional characteristics of cancer stem cells may lead to the development of more effective precisely targeted treatments. Drugs that target most cancer cells that are unable to regenerate are less likely to be effective. However, drugs that are aimed at a tiny proportion of cancer cells with self regenerating abilities will most possibly possess long term benefits.

So how do Cancer Stem cells form? Cancer stem cells like any other stem cells cannot die. They divide and renew themselves indefinitely. However cancerous cells do not have an uncontrollable cell growth, unlike the cells that shape normally.

Some researchers suspect that cancer stem cells stem from adult stem cells that go wrong. Adult stem cells, unlike embryonic stem cells have a much more restricted type of cells they can regenerate. But unlike the bulk of fully precise and targeted tissue cells, adult stem cells can keep dividing. Therefore they renew themselves and take the part of their ancestor and in turn become specialized cells.

The best known adult stem cells are those that produce red and white blood cells and platelets that aid clotting. These ‘hematopoietic’ stem cells regenerate the blood system of a bone marrow recipient. Researchers also have begun to discover rare stem cells in other adult tissues.

Some researchers are looking into the possibility that some tumours get their stem cell characteristics from stem cells themselves, others are looking into the likelihood of cancer stem cells acquiring their characteristics another way. Scientists are investigating if progenitor or full specialized cells are somehow able to avoid their assigned roles, de differentiate and acquire stem cell like potency en route to becoming cancerous.

Cancers that arise in different tissues often acquire similar genetic abnormalities. However, developmental programs are different for cells in separate tissues and may differently shape the characteristics of tumours that emerge within those tissues.

Some researchers have made it possible to differentiate individual cells from embryos and grow them into more embryonic stem cells that can multiply continually in the laboratory. One of the more popular ways, which has also been used on Dolly the sheep is somatic cell nuclear transfer, which are cell lineages created by injecting DNA from an unfertilized egg cell from which the nucleus has been removed.

Human reproductive cloning is still being highly debated (although this author feels that it is unethical). Researchers need to further explore about how and why cells at a particular time and location within the organism retain or lose the capacity to survive or replicate, and either remain uncommitted or become fated a specific role in a particular tissue. These questions also pertain to cancer.

The University of Utah’s Genetic Learning Centre presents what a stem cell is with an adorable interactive animation. The information is presented in a story form, the main character being the ‘Stem Cell Guy’. The animation also includes interaction with the audience. In a fun and friendly manner they tell the story of the stem cell.

The story begins by telling us that Stem Cells do not have jobs assigned to them. Also, every stem cell stems from another stem cell, much like an amoeba. It then likens it to a stage actor awaiting their call for a job, meanwhile dividing it into different types of stem cells. You later get to choose the role of Stem Cell Guy by dialling a number on the animation which will lead you to see the different roles of a stems cell.

With this website you and even your child can learn about stem cells in a fun and interesting manner.

The recent death of Farah Fawcett has sparked concerns and shed a spotlight on anal cancer. Farah Fawcett, once one-third of famous television trio Charlie’s Angels, has now put a face on Anal Cancer. There has been much support and push for awareness of Breast Cancer, but support for Anal and prostate cancer has been a rarity. 1 in 640 women are at the risk of being diagnosed with anal cancer.
So what is anal cancer? Symptoms of anal cancer include bloating and change in bowel habits, a lump near the anus, rectal bleeding, itching or discharge. Women may experience lower back pain due to pressure the tumor exerts on the vagina, and vaginal dryness.

Debbie Saslow a PhD, director of breast and gynecologic cancer at the American Cancer Society (ACS) in Atlanta said, in an interview with, that there is nothing that can be done to prevent anal cancer. There has been research into what really causes anal cancer and focusing on human papillomavirus (HPV) infections. HPV is a sexually linked infection which has been linked to both cervical and anal cancer. Therefore, it is thought that if there is people take vaccinations from HPV, there will be a lower risk of anal cancer. In addition to HPV infection, other anal cancer risk contributors include smoking, multiple sex partners, and having a weakened immune system.

People considered at high risk of getting anal cancer include transplant recipients, HIV-positive people, women who have had cervical cancer or vulvar cancer, and all sexually active homosexual men. Overall, there has been evidence suggesting an increase in anal cancer.

However, anal cancer sufferers need not despair. With treatment of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, cancer sufferers have a high chance of fully recovering from the disease. Like other cancers, patients have a higher chance of recovery if the disease is caught early. A simple rectal test, which requires the doctor to insert a gloved finger into the anus to check for lumps or growths, will help one catch the disease.