Do you seriously want to cook your food in this?

Lamp shades and ceiling lamps

Are your lights in your house getting weaker? Perhaps you need to give them a good clean up.
It is easy to overlook the insides of a lamp shade and leave it exposed to dust day by day. A dust cloth and lint rollers are helpful ways to get to the hard to reach edges if the feather duster or hand-held vacuum cleaners are too cumbersome to get inside.

Dust can obscure ceiling lamps and make them less bright over time. Cleaning it regularly (perhaps once in 2 weeks) helps ensure that your house has less dust and is well-lit.

House plants

Plants, especially those with large leaves, can accumulate dust. Be it fake plants or real plants, there are ways to clean them appropriately.

For real plants, you will need a spray bottle with clean water inside. Bring the plant outdoors on a warm or sunny day, and spray the leaves, especially on the undersides. Estimate the strength and intensity of the spray based on the fragility and size of the leaves. When you’ve sprayed all the leaves, let the plant air-dry naturally.

Fake plants are easier to handle since they are hardier than real plants and you do not have to worry about accidentally killing them. Fake plants can be air-dried naturally too, though if you need it back in the house quickly and have time to kill, you can use a dry cloth to wipe the leaves. On regular days, you can dust it with a feather duster as well.

Make it a point to dust houseplants once a week or every two weeks to prevent too much dust from accumulating.


The microwave makes food preparation quick and fuss-free, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to clean it up. Anything used to cook food gets dirty or greasy easily, and they must be maintained regularly, or risk causing stomach upset or changing the smell and appearance of your food, for the worst.
Common issues with microwaves include bread crumbs and melted cheese all over the bottom, and cereal and hot drinks splashing out when they overheat.

Once a week, wipe out the excess food crumbs from the microwave with a wipe cloth. Then fill a microwave-safe bowl with water. Add some lemon juice into the bowl. Microwave until the water boils, turn off the microwave, and let the bowl sit inside so that the steam penetrates the interior. The steam helps to loosen other more stubborn food particles, while the lemon adds a fresh fragrance.

After about 10 minutes, remove the bowl and interior tray. Wipe the interior with a damp cloth, and wash the tray with soap and water. When it’s dry, return it to the microwave.


Dust accumulates easily on books, especially on the top edges on the pages. Remember to dust them regularly to prevent build up. If you have some precious books that you’d hate to get dirty, consider keeping them in a clear plastic bag. You can then use a damp cloth to wipe the bag, which makes it cleaner.

Your IT Paraphernalia

Laptop, keyboard, mouse… we touch these all the time these days. Many of us eat and drink while using the computer for work or leisure, and the crumbs are easily caught in the keyboard. When we hold food and are lazy to wash our hands before touching our gadgets, this makes them grimy and unhygienic as well.

Invest in a good keyboard brush that can be used to sweep out the particles and dust. Use microfiber cloth for your screen, the body of the laptop and your mouse. Above all, try not to eat while you’re using your laptop, or at least wipe your hands before touching it.

Stay tuned for the last instalment of this series in the following week.

If you missed the first part of this article, do check it out here.

Why your shower head may not be working too well.

Once again it's that time of the year to spring-clean your house. Clearing out wardrobes, mopping behind the shelves, wiping those hard-to-reach places, perhaps even giving the walls a fresh coat of paint, many of us want our houses to make us proud when we host our relatives and friends over the Chinese New Year holidays!

Appearances count, but it sure isn't the only thing that should matter to the occupants of your house. Is your house as clean and healthy is it should be? Why are pests like cockroaches and flies still making themselves at home? Why are the kids getting diarrhoea despite not eating anything they shouldn't? Here is a list of common spots that even the most conscientious housekeeper may overlook:

Shower head

The once steady waterfall from the showerhead regressing into paltry sprinkles is a common problem that happens over time. And the company that makes the shower head gets all the blame for substandard products when it's usually not their fault. If you don’t wipe the shower head often, mineral deposits from the water will clog it, causing the flow of water to be less smooth. In addition, because that area is often moist from water, algae may eventually settle in. No elaboration is needed for one to imagine how gross that is. Dirty shower heads can even lead to skin problems like acne.

Cleaning the showerhead is quite simple. Pour white vinegar into a small plastic bag and wrap the showerhead securely with it at night when not in use. (The idea is to cover the showerhead in vinegar overnight). The next morning, use a brush to scrub off the residue, and the shower head’s as good as new!

Flush handles and buttons

We usually flush the toilet right after using it and before washing our hands. It’s quite obvious how dirty it can be. Keep a disinfecting spray in the toilet so you can use it each time after you flush. Alternatively, wiping the handle/button with undiluted white vinegar helps too.

Toothbrush holder

Toothbrush holders are breeding grounds for mildew and algae, especially when you put your wet toothbrush in it to air dry, or if you rinse your mouth with it. At least wipe the handle of your toothbrush dry before putting it in. Wipe the inside of the holder if it looks wet, and once a week, wash the holder in warm, soapy water, or wipe it with a wet, soapy cloth if it’s not detachable.

Light switches

Almost everyone in the household touches them in a day, yet they’re often overlooked. The bathroom light switch in particular, is a breeding ground for bacteria. Don’t forget to wipe down the switch regularly with an antibacterial cleaner. Refrain from using water, and make sure to wipe it dry if the cleaner is in liquid / mist form. While electrocution from touching a wet plastic switch is not very likely, the water may enter and infiltrate the wiring, causing electrical problems.

Door knobs

Door knobs are also things we touch everyday but we don’t often think of cleaning. Just use a clean wipe cloth to wipe down all the door knobs in your house once a day to prevent dirt and grime from accumulating.

More places and tips to come next week!

Maybe this will help me to lose weight...

Biochemists from Australia bring good tidings - fat can be breathed out of the body. Meaning that each time you take a deep breath, you might be losing a little weight.

When food is consumed, chemical bonds are broken, but atoms remain behind. These are what fat is made of, and most of these leave the body as carbon dioxide. Their findings indicate that "the lungs are the primary excretory organ for weight loss."

That is however, not the cue that you should stop exercising and eating healthily and start hyperventilating.

Eating healthily is still important because the more fat you consumed, the harder and longer it takes to get rid of it. You can't simply speed up your rate of exhaling after a particularly heavy meal and hope to get rid of all the fat. You also need exercise and physical activity to burn off the excess fat.

But cheer up, you can, and should consider some deep breathing exercises that will not only help increase your overall well-being, but can possibly help increase the amount of carbon / fat secretion from your body.

Coherent Breathing

Count to five, inhale deeply, count to five, exhale deeply. Repeat. According to Psychcentral, The five breaths per minute rate maximizes the heart rate variability (HRV). The higher the HRV the better because a higher HRV is associated with a healthier cardiovascular system and a stronger stress-response system.

Resistance Breathing

Now add a bit of challenge to coherent breathing by only exhaling through the mouth. Both Psychcentral and Time indicate that it is a good way to keep the mind calm. It is recommended as a before-bed activity if you have trouble sleeping. There, now you can keep the insomnia away while losing weight in bed!

Alternate Nostril Breathing

This is meant to clear the channels and make one feel more awake, so don't try this before bed!
Sit down in a comfortable. Hold the right thumb over the right nostril and breathe in deeply through the left nostril. Then cover the left nostril with another finger, release your thumb and exhale deeply. Repeat by replacing your thumb.

Or just keep it simple and natural. Again, find a comfortable sitting position. Sit up straight and inhale, feeling your belly muscles relax and your chest and rib cage expand. Hold your breath for a moment, then slowly exhale. Keep doing this with your eyes closed and a relaxed mind.