With Christmas just round the corner, this begets the question – Turkey or chicken for the dining table?

Traditionally, Turkey is present as the main course of Christmas dinners in many countries and cultures. However, chicken has become a popular alternative to the turkey, notably in Singapore, where supermarket catalogues may offer one Turkey set meal but several options for chicken. Apart from the fact that we Asians are more accustomed to chicken, chicken meat is more tender than Turkey meat.

In terms of taste and texture, both types of poultry may have their own fans, but which is less unhealthy? Chicken and turkey, despite being more unhealthy than their vegetarian counterparts, actually have lots of health merits if prepared via healthy means i.e. boiling, steaming, and roasting.

Turkey meat is a lean type of meat. After removing the skin, it contains only 1 gram of fat per 30g of meat. It is a good source of vitamin B, B1, B6, zinc and potassium. It also has a lot of health benefits, as detailed by NatureLivings.com

- Protects against cancer formation
- Provides energy and regulates the body's blood sugar
- Helps maintain cardiovascular health
- Effective in stimulating metabolismuli and function of thyroid hormone
- Stimulates the body's immune system and provide antioxidants
- Helps lower blood cholesterol and increase bad cholesterol good
- Helps to stimulate energy production, mood, increase testosterone levels and regulates blood pressure.

Chicken meat does not fare badly either. While it contains more fat and cholesterol than turkey, it is a rich source of protein, which important for growth and development of the body. It also contains vital vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B, B6, Selenium (preventing thyroid defects) and phosphorous.

Health benefits:
- Inhibits bone loss
- Promotes healthy growth and development of body
- Protects against cancer formation
- Promotes normal body metabolism and adequate thyroid function
- Stimulates the body's immune system and provide antioxidants
- Maintains healthy teeth and bones
- Ensures healthy functioning of kidneys, liver and central nervous system

Both have some rather similar benefits! The slight differences would mean more to those with chronic diseases.

As stated earlier, chicken has higher calories and fat content than turkey. A serving of turkey breast contains about 1/5 of the total fat in an equivalent portion of chicken breast. Turkey contains less saturated fat. Saturated fat is the main culprit of clogged arteries, which increases the risk of stroke and heart disease. For both chicken and turkey, it is ideal to remove the skin before consumption, regardless of preparatory method, as the skin contains a lot of saturated fat.

If you've tasted turkey, you'll realise that it is quite salty compared to chicken. Indeed, it has quite a high sodium content. For those on a sodium (salt) restricted diet, chicken is the healthier choice as it contains just 1/10 of the sodium that turkey.

Both types of poultry are high in protein, but chicken would be more ideal for the young ones as it contains twice the amount of protein per equivalent portion of turkey.

Turkey appears the less-fattening and thus healthier choice over all, but that doesn't make it a tonic, nor should you avoid chicken like plague. You can still feast on what you like during the holiday season, but eating in moderation is the key. Opt for smaller portions if available instead of an entire bird if there are just a few of you eating. Share with your neighbours instead of forcing yourself to finish it up. Supplement your main course with salads, fruits and soups instead of ham, sausages and more meat. Don’t forget to exercise too, even when you’re on holiday!


image from www.news.com.au

When one prepares for overseas vacations, things like itinerary, what clothes to bring, shopping lists, accommodation and flights tend to come to mind. Health is one of the lowest priorities, although it is ever so important. But just think about it, when you fall ill, your holiday is effectively ruined. Furthermore, seeking medical help is far less convenient and possibly more expensive than it would cost back home. Even as you bask in the excitement of preparing for all the fun things you plan to do, don’t neglect your health!

Pack a basic first aid kit

There are a few staples that you should bring on each vacation trip.
- Diarrhoea pills such as Poh Chai pills. Diarrhea is a common problem for travellers due to our stomachs not being accustomed to the local food and water.
- Plasters, in case you get a scratch somewhere. These will be a godsend if your shoes are causing blisters and grazing your ankles.
- Eye drops
- Medicated oil such as feng you
- Antiseptic cream
- Pain-killers, for headaches and menstrual cramps.
- Fever-reducing medication such as Panadol
- Existing medical prescriptions, if you’re on any

Do not assume that you can find these at your travel destination. There may not be a pharmacy near your lodging area.

Be sure to pack sufficient medicine for existing medical conditions to last the whole trip. For other forms of medication, pack enough to last about three days. If your condition does not improve after self-medication, you would have to seek treatment at your holiday destination.

Know where to seek medical help

Note down the locations of the nearest hospitals and clinics to your lodging area, as well as their telephone numbers. If you have allergies, write them down and bring them with you, so that you can inform the doctors.

Obtain necessary vaccinations

Keep up with the news, read up on health risks associated with your destination, and get a jab if necessary before going. And we’re not just talking about flu jabs here. Some illnesses and epidemics from other countries can be fatal, such as malaria, rabies and typhoid fever. Many of these diseases are not restricted to developing or undeveloped countries. It is better to be safe than sorry.

This article has some useful information about travel vaccinations.

Buy medical insurance

When you purchase travel insurance, be sure that it provides medical or injury insurance coverage. Getting medical attention overseas can be expensive and difficult. Familiarise yourself with the terms of the policy and carry with you the relevant contacts of your insurance company in case you need to seek help.

Watch what you put in your mouth

Remember that you are no longer in Singapore, where it is safe to drink from the tap, where food poisoning is virtually a crime that lands its perpetrator with severe penalties possibly including a ban from the food and beverage industry.

Drink only from bottle water. If you wish to fill up your water bottle with tap water, make sure you boil it properly.

To reduce the risk of diarrhea and other food-bourne diseases, consume only food that is well cooked, hot or freshly peeled.

Take extra precautions if you have existing medical conditions

Consult your doctor for advice and go for a check-up if you have serious medical condition. Keep your medication in your carry-on luggage, and not in your check-in luggage, so that you have it with you at all times.

Carry with you copies of your health records, or some form of identification card or tag that states your medical problems and allergies. Should you require medical assistance at your travel destination, this information will be crucial to your doctor.

Register yourself with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The MFA eRegister system is a free service that allows Singaporeans overseas to record important information about their itinerary abroad. The information is accessible to the Ministry, who would be able to contact the traveller in times of emergencies, including illness and epidemics, to get in touch and even provide assistance.

Stay safe and healthy, so that you may enjoy your holiday to your heart's content!

December is here and along with it comes the festive spirit. Whether you like parties, you’ll probably be invited to some, from reunion feasts to company year-end dinners. At such celebrations, alcoholic drinks tend to be a beverage of choice, especially red wine which is virtually a social norm at gatherings and an accompaniment to fine food. That doesn’t mean that everyone should drink it frequently though, especially when you’re already burdened with heavy food and late nights during the festive season. Red wine does have health benefits, which fans of the beverage are proud to declare, but they seem to have forgotten that it is but an alcohol.

What’s good about red wine? 

Red grape skins contain resveratrol, which has several benefits, including preventing fat accumulation, reducing insulin resistance and in turn the risk of diabetes, preventing blood clotting and plaque formation in arteries, and improving vascular function. This makes blood flow easier and keeps the heart pumping. The French Paradox strengthens this belief that red wine is good for the heart. The observation that the French experience low frequencies of coronary heart diseases despite a high-saturated fat diet. This has led to the speculation that red wine, practically a staple in French culinary culture, has contributed to the health of their hearts somewhat.

Resveratrol also inhibits some enzymes, destroying cancer cells, and preventing the development of blood vessels that feed a tumour. This means that resveratrols can reduce cancer risk.

What’s bad about red wine?  

Now, why don’t I say red wine reduces cancer risk? That’s because red wine contains alcohol, and alcohol is a carcinogen that increases risk of contracting any sort of cancer. The carcinogenic effect pretty much erases the good work of resveratrol.

Frequent, excessive drinking also negates the heart-healing properties of red wine, and increases the risk of stroke and damage to the heart muscle. Alcohol consumption raises triglyceride levels, which is associated with heart disease and diabetes.

Red wine also contains empty calories, or calories that lack nutrients, and lead to weight gain. One five-ounce glass of red wine is about 125 calories. Imagine how badly your body would take this after a night of drinking, especially when this does not include the party food.

Like all alcoholic beverages, excessive drinking can cause damage to vital organs such as the liver, weaken the immune system, impairs judgment (don’t drive when you drink red wine!), and lead to addiction and all its associated health and social problems. It is also dangerous to a developing fetus, so red wine should be off-limits during pregnancy.

An occasional toast for social events is all right, but do not drink it nightly as I’ve heard some people do because they mistook red wine for tonic. You can drink to good health, but not drink for your health. In fact, drinking to good health is the real paradox.

When humongous blobs of snowy white foam invaded Choa Chu Kang early this week, residents had mixed reactions. Fascination was a common feeling as many people took out their camera phones to snap the bizarre phenomenon. For some, Christmas had arrived early as they began jumping in the foam and having their private foam party. Others frowned and made their unhappiness known through public complaint letters.

The latter may not have much sense of fun, but they have not worried unduly. Detergents and soaps that have not been made for skin, unlike our body shampoos and the foams at New Year foam parties, can cause skin problems. In less severe cases of exposure, the skin may present some redness and feel a little itchy. This sensation goes away after washing with water and respite from the chemicals.

However, in severe cases where contact is frequent, or there is an existing skin condition like sensitive skin, dermatitis or eczema, the skin may swell and blister, and feel irritated and painful. Perspiring aggravates the problem, as it may cause chemical reactions with the skin irritants from the detergents, leading to extreme rash and redness. This is also why homemakers and dishwashers who frequently come into close contact with detergents often experience skin discomforts on the hands.

For mild or one-off exposure, washing your skin thoroughly with water should solve the problem. If there is mild rash or itching, you can get over-the-counter ointments from the pharmacy to alleviate the inflammation. You can also apply a clean, cold compress to your skin to provide temporary relief for the itching. If the discomfort and redness are severe, go to the doctor for professional help.

If you have to touch detergents or any sort of washing liquid often, invest in a good pair of rubber gloves. Some people have said that the rubber gloves hinder their work and would rather do without them. In that case, you either need to get a pair of fitting gloves, or simply get used to them. Skin injuries would hinder you more otherwise!

The saying goes, too much of a good thing can be detrimental. Ever wonder why you still get aches and soreness in the knees despite having an active lifestyle? Chondromalacia patella, more commonly known as Runner’s Knee, is a condition that most sports people suffer, although this condition also plagues a healthy person who does not take good care of their knees. The pain is more accurately known as patellofemoral pain. It occurs when the patella, the natural shock absorber in our knees, get injured or overused.


1. Overuse. Repetitive stress on your knee joint — such as that sustained during running or jumping sports — may result in patellofemoral pain.

2. Misaligned bones. Patellofemoral pain can occur if the bones in your knee or foot aren't aligned properly.

3. Injury. Trauma to the kneecap, such as a dislocation or fracture, has been linked to patellofemoral pain syndrome.

The pain feels like a sore that lasts for a while, sometimes the pain can also be felt as a short, sharp sensation. The pain can usually be felt when you squat for too long and get up, climb up or down the stairs or apply too much pressure on one knee by leaning to one side of your body; kneeling or squatting.
Are you at risk?

Patellofemoral pain usually affects adolescents and young adults. It also commonly affects sports people who engage in sports that involves jumping and running. Women are also more likely to develop this condition than men as their pelvis is wider apart which increases “the angle at which the bones in the knee joint meet,” according to Mayo clinic.
Diagnosis and Treatment:

People who suspect that they are suffering from this condition will be sent for an x-ray, CT scan or MRI scan. Treatments vary depending on the seriousness of the condition. To ease a slight pain in the knee, ice the knee or wear a knee support or knee guard. This will help to align the bones in the knee. If you are a sports person, opt for sports which are gentle on the knee such as swimming or cycling. Other forms of treatment include rehabilitation exercises or taping, where your doctor teaches you how to tape the knee to reduce pain.

For severe cases, patients might have to undergo a knee realignment surgery or Arthroscopy.

There are a few ways to prevent you from developing ‘Runners Knee’. Always warm up before and after any form of exercise. Do more stretching to enhance flexibility. Wear the right shoes when exercising so as to better support your joints during exercise. Lose some weight, excess weight can add on to the stress your knees are already facing. For more preventive measures, Mayoclinic has quite a comprehensive list.
For more details, do consult your physician. If you are suffering from any form of knee pains, do see your doctor to get your knees checked.
Always bear in mind that moderation and comfort are key to safe and effective exercise. Pain and discomfort are indicators that you're overworking yourself, so don't push yourself, or you may find yourself ridden with complications and limitations in the later part of your life.

The rarely heard of condition atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor (ATRT) recently gained some spotlight when six-year-old Avalanna Routh, or "Mrs Bieber", passed away from this disease. Famous heart throb Justin Bieber, who had spent a Valentine's Day with her playing board games, given her a kiss and called her "Mis Bieber" in his tweet, expressed his heartbreak over her death on his twitter account. Love him or hate him and his fanbase, this news certainly garnered a lot of sympathy for the little one.

What is ATRT, and why do such young children fall victim to it?

ATRT is a type of brain cancer that strikes young children below the age of three. Survival rate is low for children aged three and below, but mortality rate increases when the child survives it past age three.

ATRT is a fast-growing tumour that grows in the brain and the spinal cord.

Anatomy of the brain, showing the cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem, and other parts of the brain.
Anatomy of the inside of the brain, showing the pineal and pituitary glands, optic nerve, ventricles (with cerebrospinal fluid shown in blue), and other parts of the brain.
The tumour is commonly found in the cerebellum or brain stem. The cerebellum is the area that controls the movement, balance and posture of a person, the brain stem controls the nerves, breathing and heart rate. This tumour may also be found in other parts of the central nervous system which also includes the spinal cord. The top diagram shows the position of the brain stem and cerebellum.

As this tumour grows fast, symptoms can be seen over a short period of a few days to a few weeks.
This includes:
• Morning headache or headache that goes away after vomiting.
• Nausea and vomiting.
• Unusual sleepiness or change in activity level.
• Loss of balance, lack of coordination, or trouble walking.
• Increase in head size (in infants)

There are many ways for a doctor to diagnose the patient with his tumour. This includes a physical examination, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, computerized tomography (CT) scan, biopsy, lumbar puncture, ultrasound and genetic testing.

The MRI and CT scan allows the doctor to get detailed images of the affected areas. Biopsy is where a doctor removes some tissue from the tumour for tests. Lumbar puncture removes cerebrospinal fluid to determine if the tumour cells have spread.  Ultrasound determines if there are tumours in other parts of the body and lastly, genetic testing allows the doctor to check if there is any genetic changes to the cells that may be linked to ATRT.
Causes for this condition are not yet documented. That's why supporting cancer research is so important as it helps to uncover the truths behind many bizarre conditions, and more importantly, find ways to minimise their fatality.
In Singapore, there are a few research centres and programmes dedicated to the study of cancers and their treatment methods, namely the NCC Research Fund by the National Cancer Centre Singapore, National Cancer Centre Institute of Singapore and Singhealth Foundation, just to name some. If you're up for some philantrophy, do consider cancer as a cause to donate for. There are always new cancer-related issues requiring discovery and further research on a daily basis!


Would you dare to shake these perspiration-filled hands?

Have you ever shaken someone’s hand and thought to yourself, “oh gosh, I need to wash my hands right now!” Or have you ever thought twice before shaking someone’s hand for fear that your sweaty palms might embarrass you?

When sweat glands in the hands become overactive, they produce more fluid on your skin, also known as perspiration.  Excessive sweat that brings problems to people normally occurs at the armpits (axillary hyperhidrosis), feet (plantar hyperhidrosis) and hands (palmar hyperhidrosis).

Why do some people suffer from excessive sweating?

The humid weather in Singapore can cause our body to warm up and produce sweat to cool us down.  Sometimes, stress or anxiety can cause a person to produce even more sweat. For people whose sweat glands are more active than others, their sweat glands will produce more sweat than others.

Other causal factors include:
• Caffeinated drinks and alcohol
• Hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar)
• Medicinal drugs (such as certain painkillers, cardiovascular drugs and antidepressants)
• Menopause
• Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)

Excessive sweating can be controlled and in some cases, prevented from happening. Antiperspirants that are commonly used on the armpits can also be used on the palms. If you feel that your normal antiperspirants are not working, do see a doctor and they will prescribe you stronger antiperspirants.

Avoid caffeine as it can trigger the sympathetic nervous system.

Excessive sweating can result in a number of unwanted problems such as:
• Body Odour
• Infections at sweaty areas
• Socialising problems
• Low self-esteem and depression

For a more comprehensive list, check out this article by Mayoclinic: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/hyperhidrosis/DS01082/DSECTION=complications

When to see a doctor?
If you perspire excessively at night for no apparent reason, or feel that excessive sweating is causing you problems in your daily life, do consult a doctor for medical treatment. For severe cases, you may need to undergo a surgery which will remove the sweat glands.


Menstrual cramps are such a bane, they come every month and put many of us women in a state of misery, and many men in a hapless situation of having to cope with their frustrated female friends and partners.
The pain we experience happens not just in our abdomen but sometimes in our lower back and thighs. Although some women might find the pain bearable, others may find that the pain so bad that they can't carry out their daily tasks.
In fact, a few countries such as Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia and South Korea have grant menstruation leave to their female workforce!

What are menstrual cramps like?

The scientific name for such cramps is Dysmenorrhea. Most people assume that menstrual cramps only cause pain the abdomen. However, that is not the case. It can cause abdominal pain, lower back pain, pain in the hips and/or pain in the thighs. This would explain the various discomforts and lethargy we experience during this monthly period.

Some women may also experience loose stools, dizziness, nausea and vomiting during their period or for the first few days of their period.

What is the cause of such pain?

Hormone changes during the menstrual cycle release a hormone known as Prostaglandins to aid the uterus in contraction and shed the lining of the uterus wall. The contraction of the muscle is the cause of the pain we experience each month.

How to relieve menstrual cramps?

There are over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen that can be taken to relieve the pains. Taking these medications a few days before your period can also stop the release of prostaglandins, thus preventing the pain. Woman who are on oral contraceptive pills are also less likely to experience such cramps.

Placing a heating pad or a hot water bottle at the abdomen or lower back also helps to relieve pain. Taking a nice warm bath or shower can also help you to relax and feel less of the pain. For back aches, gently massage the lower back in circular motions.

Foods that can ease menstrual cramps

Foods that are high in omega-3 and magnesium can help to reduce cramping.
Foods that are high in omega-3 include salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel and sardines, flaxseeds and flaxseed oil and nuts, especially walnuts.
Bananas, avocados, dried apricots, prunes, spinach, cashews, almonds, nut butters, pinto beans, kidney beans, peanuts, tofu, brown rice and millet are rich in magnesium.

Peppermint found in herbal teas is also very good for relieving menstrual cramps. It has a numbing effect on pain including those experienced in headaches and diarrhoea.
For a more comprehensive listing of the types of food for easing menstrual cramps, check out this article: http://www.livestrong.com/article/324135-foods-to-ease-menstrual-cramps/

When to see a doctor?

If you experience persistent unbearable pain each month that gets in the way of your daily work, or you experience cramps even after childbirth or menopause, do consult your doctor, as the following problems also produce symptoms of menstrual cramps:
  • Endometriosis. In this painful condition, the tissue that lines your uterus becomes implanted outside your uterus, most commonly on your fallopian tubes, ovaries or the tissue lining your pelvis.
  • Uterine fibroids. These noncancerous growths in the wall of the uterus rarely may be the cause of pain.
  • Adenomyosis. In this condition, the tissue that lines your uterus begins to grow into the muscular walls of the uterus.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). This infection of the female reproductive organs is usually caused by sexually transmitted bacteria.
  • Cervical stenosis. In some women, the opening of the cervix may be so small that it impedes menstrual flow, causing a painful increase of pressure within the uterus.

The men can help too  

Believe it or not, women hate PMS as much as you do. Hormonal changes and menstrual cramps can cause women to feel really tired, irritable and be in a bad mood. Do empathise with our discomfort and not take it personally if we're short-tempered with you.

Help your loved one ease the discomfort by bringing her painkillers, hot water bottles and comfort food that puts her in a good mood, and generally being nice to her. She'd be so touched that she'd love you more for it, and try to make up for the hard time she gave you!  


Would you kiss these lips?

With our tropical island being such a humid place, it comes as a surprise to many that skin dryness and dehydration is a rather common ailment in Singapore. While we may not get harsh winters or scorching hot sun, long exposure to the drying airs of air conditioners in our homes or in the office removes moisture from our bodies. Many of us recognise the harmful drying effects of airconditioning on our face, around the eyes and on our hands (wrinkles!) and are well-equipped with moisturiser for these areas. Unfortunately, the lips tend to go neglected.
The skin on our lips are thin and, compared to other exposed skin on our body, are more prone to drying out and cracking. Though women have the tendency to apply a lipstick or lip gloss to the lips at the start of the day, such products may not have sufficient moisturizing properties, especially when one works in the air-conditioned office all day long.

Having dry lips not only looks unappealing, it also feels uncomfortable, and can be a painful experience as it can result in your lips cracking and bleeding. Applying a lippie over cracked lips can look ugly, it is comparable to having cakey foundation on your skin. More importantly, chapped lips is a sign of dehydration and can lead to health complications if not looked into.

To reduce dehydration in the office, have a cup of water at hand, not for drinking, but simply to keep the air moistured

It is important to always have your eight glasses of water a day! In the office, make sure you drink lots of water. Are you so engrossed with your work that you don't touch your mug of water even if it's just next to your keyboard? Here is a tip. Set an hourly alarm on your phone, loud enough for you to hear but not to disrupt your colleagues. Each time your phone buzzes, drink a glass of beverage. By the end of a typical day in office, you should have drank almost eight glass of water! Do also supplement your diet with fruits and soups as these contain water content.

Good habits to keep your lips soft and smooth:

1.      Exfoliate. Yes, exfoliate the lips but not with a facial scrub. Lips are delicate and may feel sore and even bleed after a round of scrubbing. Exfoliating the lips removes dead skin cells, allowing your lips to absorb the moisturising properties of your lip balm more effectively. 

      A DIY lip scrub is easy . Using your toothbrush, gently rub your lips with it. You can also mix coarse sugar with a little honey and Vaseline to form a sticky paste and rub it over your lips. Not only is this a sweet treat, but honey itself has many healing properties that can benefit the lips.

2.      Moisturise. Use your favourite lip balm to maintain the moisture in the lips. Both men and women should have a lip balm at hand, and touch it up throughout the day whenever necessary, such as after meals.If you suffer from extremely dry lips, you can try products such as Vaseline that can be found in a drugstore near you. Another product that is renowned for its moisture retaining and healing properties for the lips is the Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour cream lip stick. It is a colourless lip balm that can protect your lips from even the coldest winter while repairing the cracked portions of your lip.

Other lip balms that work for me include the Lip Smacker range that can be found in Watsons or Guardian and the Baby Lips lip balm by Maybelline.

3.      Colour Up! For women, don’t forget to add some colour to your lips with either a lipstick or lip gloss. There is an increasing number of lipsticks that also function as lip gloss. These serve a two in one purpose, moisturising while making your lips look beautiful.
Flaky lips with matte lipstick colour.
If your lips are prone to dryness, avoid matte lip colours as this will only make your dry lips look even more obvious. Go for glossy colours instead, and stick to lipsticks that have rich moisturizing properties in them.
Remember, looks may not be everything, but physical appearance reflects on the condition of your health. Don't neglect it!


It’s doubly hazy days ahead in Singapore as the Chinese burn offerings in public in light of the Hungry Ghost Festival, and forest fires blaze away in Indonesia.

Having been neighbours to countries that experience huge forest fires at least once a year, most of us are all too familiar with the effects of haze and the precautions we should take to protect ourselves from the haze. These topics have been discussed in this blog here and here.

Most people are aware of, and have experienced for themselves, the irritation that smoke causes to the eyes. But the effects of smoke and haze may not stop there. Smoke can cause swollen eyes that result from allergy or inflammation. My poor colleague has just received a 3-day MC from the doctor to stay at home because she woke up one fine morning with a mysteriously swollen right eye that wouldn’t open. The doctor attributed it to the smoky environment.

Tiny foreign particles in smoke may enter your eyes, and cause an infection if not removed in a timely manner. People with dry eyes may be more vulnerable to such infections as their eyes do not produce sufficient moisture to remove the particles. If your eyes are often dry, bring along a bottle of eye-drops with you which you can use whenever your eyes feel irritated. Do also wear shades or glasses when you’re outdoors as they will help to limit direct exposure to foreign particles in the air.

Environmental allergies may be more challenging to fight. Some of us have very sensitive eyes. They get itchy the moment we take out a stack of clothes from the cupboard to pack. Usually, our bodies are able to keep the allergens at bay, but when there are too many stressors or triggers in the environment, the body cannot cope, and this results in allergic conditions.

What you should do is to get plenty of rest and make sure you’re getting ample Vitamin C. These will help to boost your body’s immunity against infections and allergies.

You should also avoid being around second-hand smoke, or cut down on the cigarettes if you’re a smoker.

What to do if my eyes are swollen?

There is a difference between puffy eyes and swollen eyes. Puffy eyes are a common occurrence due to lack of rest, constant exposure to computer work and fluid retention. Most of the time, they aren’t even particularly noticeable unless you’re really fussy about your appearance.

Swollen eyes on the other hand are a different matter. You would find that your field of vision is restricted due to difficulty with opening your lids. Your eyelids may also exhibit unnatural redness. The whites of your eyes may not be red, but that doesn’t mean it’s not serious.

Do not resort to home remedies, but see a doctor immediately.You will typically be prescribed eye drops, oral medication and / or ointment with antibiotic purposes and to bring down the swelling. You’ll probably also be requested to take a break from school or work so that you can rest at home while the swelling clears up. Swollen eyes take up to one week to be completely healed. In that time, stay indoors as much as possible. If you must go out, wear sunglasses or an eye patch to protect your eyes. You should also avoid seafood, peanuts and other heaty food for about ten days or the swelling may be aggravated.

Ramadan, the fasting month for our Muslim friends has concluded recently. With holiday moods still in swing and delicious festive goodies being sold everywhere, it is hard to not have a desire to fill oneself up with as much delicacies as possible, especially considering how delicious Malay cuisine is. I've always had great admiration for my Muslim friends to fast. In a food paradise like Singapore, restricting one's diet is a practice that calls for sheer determination.

In Indonesia where the country is largely populated with Muslims, however, the festive spirit seems to have been dampened by visits to the doctor. There have been reports of spikes in clinic visits for binge eating and over-indulging in heavy foods.

Over-eating once in a while is hardly anything to shout out. It happens with the occasional gathering, party and holiday when you just have no excuse (or don't want to have an excuse) to eat only in moderation. But when you're binging after a lull period for your digestive system, it can be extremely harmful.

During a long period of dieting, or if you've always had a habit of eating light foods, your body will adjust to suit your needs. Metabolism slows down to conserve energy, and it will continue to do so for a period of time after that unless you change your lifestyle, to which your metabolism will be altered appropriately.

But the changes to your lifestyle must be applied gradually, or you would not be able to adjust adequately, thus prompting problems to occur. Take exercise for example. If you haven't been exercising regularly, but suddenly go on a 10km marathon, your body will not be able to take it. You may develop breathing difficulties, you may develop cramps, and you may just faint from exertion.

Similarly, if you exert your stomach, problems will occur. Consuming huge levels of food, especially unhealthy, savoury, fatty dishes, can cause sudden increases in blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels. These can lead to weight gain, indigestion, bowel problems and heart burn. For those with illnesses like high blood pressure and diabetes, over-eating multiplies the toll these illnesses already have on your body.

No doubt, one shouldn't be a spoilsport and reject delicacies when the occasion calls for it. But practise moderation, eat only as much as you can eat without feeling sick, exercise off the fats, and down the guilty pleasures with hot Chinese tea or green tea. which promote digestion and detoxification. Only then can you truly enjoy the festivities for a prolonged period of time.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/ramadan-fast-indonesians-eat-vengeance-151638205.html

Sasaeng fans of K-pop stars lying on the road to stop their idols from moving forward.

Indulging in dreamy fantasies about your favourite celebrity, spending your limited pocket money on CDs and fan merchandise, having an unquenchable thirst for every single titbit of knowledge about your idol, buying presents for your idol, secretly following him/her on the streets or on Twitter… these probably sound familiar as most of us have gone through, or are currently going through such a phase in our lives.

Admiring and idolising people with talent and/or looks are part and parcel of human nature, and most of the regular things that fans do are good, clean fun. But as celebrities get more up-close and personal with their fans through social media, fan meets and more live performances, the divide between idols and their fans has narrowed, prompting some to put a toe out of line, or, make that an entire leg.

Installing CCTVs in the vicinity of their idols’ residence, hiring drivers to tailgate their idols’ cars to the extent of causing severe road accidents, selling their bodies to hire said drivers when it gets too expensive, sending menstruation blood to their idols (yuck!)… these are just some of the crazy antics a new breed of fans in Korea called Sasaeng do to get closer to their idols. Unfortunately, the fad has reached the shores of Singapore, where the K-wave is virtually irresistable. While not as extreme yet, a local accident involving a seven-car pile up near Changi Airport had been the result of ardent Singaporean fans stalking a Korean celebrity.

Before you laugh these off as cases of the cray cray, think again. These are real problems stemming from intense obsession, and could happen to the average person. Consider the stalking of an ex on social media platforms or following them around (which sometimes ends in a brutal murder), non-stop gaming, intensive clubbing and binge drinking all night long, catching every football match on TV at unearthly hours, compulsively collecting items…

Such acts of obsession towards something you enjoy, also known as Obsessive Hobby Disorder, are unhealthy in the following ways:

- Physically toiling, especially when you are missing proper meals and rest
-  Time consuming, disrupting normal life by preventing you from performing well at work and school or even missing them entirely
- Ruins your social life and relationships
- Frequent lack of money, which may prompt one to resort to crimes
- Long term negative impacts on your mental wellbeing – in event that you are forced to give up the hobby i.e. idol leaves the entertainment industry for good or gets married, a void will develop and if it is unable to be filled up, one may succumb to it through drastic acts, such as suicides. 

In serious cases, especially when one is in denial of their obsession, he/she will have to undergo treatment with a psychiatrist. But, in less severe cases when you are aware that you're perhaps investing too much time, effort and money on your interest, or someone tells you your obsession is scary for the umpteenth time, you can keep your interest in check before it gets overboard.

Ways to Overcome Obsession

1.  If you find yourself stalking someone on various social media platforms, remove those accounts to eliminate those constant updates and reminders of that person. Do something more productive like reading or learning a new skill. Being addicted to social media was never healthy to begin with.

2. Join a new community group and get to know new people and talk about new things. By trying out something new, you obtain a new focus, and your mind will be preoccupied with trying to retain those new skills.

3. Distract yourself with more interests. Love one K-pop band? Why not spread the love and check out a few others? As your interest is spread out across a few areas, your obsession in one particular area of interest will thin.

4. Hide pictures or anything you have that reminds you of the person. Without the physical object in front of you, you will be less inclined to keep your mind on said person.

5. List down the good points and bad points of the person. Don’t focus solely on the good points. Nobody is perfect. If you realize that person is not as godly as he or she seems, you will feel less inclined to worship him/her.

6. If the person you are obsessed about is a celebrity, forget about a happily-ever-after. Unless you’re like Katie Holmes who’s able to make a name for yourself in the entertainment industry (and by the way, that didn’t end well in marriage), it’s time to face up to reality before you get hurt.

These days, with more people succumbing to a lifestyle that results in loneliness and emptiness, such problems can become more common.  If you notice your friend, or yourself displaying signs of Obsessive Hobby Disorder, don’t hesitate to consult a psychiatrist.

http://sg.entertainment.yahoo.com/blogs/singapore-showbiz/sasaeng-stalkers-part-1-sasaeng-singapore-084138184.html http://sg.entertainment.yahoo.com/blogs/singapore-showbiz/sasaeng-stalkers-part-3-one-fan-korean-sasaeng-092622496.html

Don’t you just envy the dexterity, strength and valence of the Olympic athletes? Victorious or medal-less, all of them stand proud and tall, basking in the lime light amidst applause, seemingly flawless in the eyes of their fans and countrymen, from every rippling muscle right up to their eyes.
Yes, perfect eyesight has always been a requirement for work that requires great precision, agility and intense physical activity. In the past, only candidates with perfect peepers could be pilots in Singapore. Soldiers serving National Service would not be considered for Pes A if they were bespectacled. And as you might have seen in almost every sporting event, the number of sportsmen and sportswomen who wear glasses are almost always nil.

But times and lifestyles have changed, and many Singaporeans are wearing glasses from a young age. Jobs that used to require perfect eyesight have now relaxed their criteria. More optical services are providing contact lenses that make the need to wear glasses more bearable.

Nevertheless, the inconvenience of not having clear vision is here to stay. Maintaining contact lenses for safe use is a hassle, not to mention that contact lenses could still get in the way of intensive activity, especially for sports fanatics who indulge in vigorous exercise. Most contact lenses are not suitable for swimming and any sort of sport that requires direct contact with water. Your game is gone once perspiration gets into your eye and you have to extract your contact lens.

Lasik came as a solution for those who find poor eyesight a burden to many aspects of their life.
Having the perfect eyesight is no longer an unattainable task. The advancement in today’s medical technology has allowed many people to forgo spectacles and contact lenses with the introduction of Lasik.

However, Lasik surgery is not suitable for everybody who has eyesight problems. It is only able to correct certain problems such as Myopia, Hyperopia, Astigmatism and Presbyopia. When you go for a pre-Lasik consultation, your doctor will conduct an examination and advise you on your suitability to undergo Lasik.

How is Lasik Surgery carried out?
The doctor will first remove a part of your cornea with a special blade or laser to create a flap. This will enable the laser beam to gain access to deeper parts of the eye. The laser will then flatten some parts of the tissue in the eye, depending on how much correction it needs.

An animation of this procedure can be seen here.

Risks of Lasik Surgery
Like all surgical procedures, Lasik surgery also has risks. As Lasik depends mostly on laser to do all the cutting, there may be a chance of the tissue in the eye being undercut or overcut. When the tissue is being undercut, the vision is not fully corrected, but this can be easily solved by undergoing the same procedure again. Overcorrection is harder to fix as it is caused by removing too much tissue from the eye.

Glare, halos and double vision can result from Lasik. Although this side effect can be easily treated by medical eye drops that contain corticosteroid, you may also need to undergo a second surgery. Your vision at night or in dim light can also be greatly reduced.

As the surgical procedure for Lasik involves cutting a flap at the cornea, during the healing process, the flap may be infected that will result in complications, having too much tears and swelling.

Lasik will result in a reduction in tears production for the first six months after your surgery. This might affect your vision, but eye drops can be used to lubricate the eyes. However, if you experience severely dry eyes, you can consider going under the knife again to put in special plugs into your tear ducts to prevent your tears from being drained away.

You will also need to avoid strong light in the first six months after surgery, because your eyes are particularly sensitive at this point of time.

Preparing for surgery

1. Remove all eye makeup. You should stop wearing eye make up the day before and the day of the surgery. This will ensure that there are no traces of make up on the eye that could cause infection.

2. Stop wearing contact lenses. You will be instructed by your doctor to stop wearing contact lenses a few weeks before your surgery. Contact lenses can change the shape of your cornea, resulting in inaccurate measurements for the surgery that can result in a poor outcome.

3. Lasik is a day surgery and you would not have to be warded. Have someone pick you up after the surgery. The medicine used during the surgery may have certain side effects after the surgery and your vision might also be blurred.

If you wish to consider Lasik surgery, do remember to consider all the side effects and make sure you are able to spare time and resources to counter them. If you’re a sports person, be prepared to sacrifice your favourite outdoor activities for a few months as you’re encouraged to avoid bright sunlight to facilitate faster healing. If you’re banking on Lasik to make your life easier, you might have to think twice about it as post-surgery complications may pose even more inconveniences.

Of course, one might argue that such inconveniences are only temporary. After all, as all athletes can attest, there’s no sweet without sweat.

"If you learn from a loss you have not lost. "

With the London Olympics in full gear, this is the spirit many of the Olympians and their supporters are probably abiding by, or persuading themselves to abide by in the name of good sportsmanship.

This is a good principle to bear in mind for many kinds of losses, but when it comes to hair? Most likely not. Hair loss is a very hairy issue (no pun intended). Once a person starts losing hair, he/she's in danger of balding unless something effective is done about the problem before it gets out of hand.

Hair loss is often associated with men. Looking at the myriad of hair loss advertisements out there, majority of them have men endorsing the products. But ladies, don't let that lull you into a false sense of security. Women too, suffer from hair loss problems.

For men, hair loss is more obvious, as it usually begins from the crown of the head. Women suffer from receding hair lines at the temples of the head and thinning of hair at the crown area. As such, for those who are not very conscious about your appearance, it may take you awhile to notice that you're losing hair.

Causes of Female hair loss

There are 100,000 hair follicles on our head and if we lose more than 100 strands of hair a day, it is considered a hair loss problem.

It is probably too tedious to count the number of strands of hair you lose everyday. But there are some simple ways to tell whether you are suffering from hair loss.

Are you noticing a lot of hair on your pillow, or on the floor around the place you often sit? Are you getting a lot of loose hair on your hands or the bathroom floor even though you're just shampooing your hair gently? If the answer is 'yes' to any of these, it's time you start giving better care to your hair.

1. Hereditary – If your grandma has it; your mum has it; your aunt has it, most probably you will develop hair loss as well.  This may be a problem of female-pattern baldness.

2. Hormonal factors – When there is an imbalance of hormones in your body, this may lead to temporary hair loss. Pregnancy, discontinuation of birth control pills and the onset of menopause can lead to temporary hair loss.
3. Medication – Certain types of medicine for illnesses such as Cancer, Depression, High Blood Pressure and Heart Problems can lead to hair loss.

4. Medical Conditions – Scalp infections, thyroid problems and other skin diseases can result in hair loss.

5. Other Factors – Constantly tugging your hair, tying your hair into a tight ponytail or bun, and stress.


Oily hair is a bane. Keep that conditioner away from your scalp!

Shampoos cleanse the scalp and remove any dirt or oil that clogs up the hair follicles. Your hair follicles work the same way as the pores on your skin; if they get clogged, bacteria grows. The difference is that on the scalp, a pimple may not appear, instead, your hair will fall out. If you have to use a conditioner, use it only on the ends of the hair. Conditioners contain oil to soften the hair, but will make your scalp oilier. Conditioners are meant to feed your hair with moisture, and should not be used on the scalp.

Wash your hair daily. Ignore the old wives' tales.

Stories telling you that washing hair once a week is healthy are myths. Washing your hair everyday after you get home from the day's activities ensures that all the dirt accumulated during the day on your scalp is removed. This allows your hair follicles to breathe and new hair to grow.

Keep your tools clean.

Always wash your comb or hair brush before and after each use. This will prevent you from putting more dirt or bacteria onto your scalp.


Treating hair loss is not an overnight matter. In fact, hair loss can takes months to recover. Typically, doctors will prescribe oral medication, medicated shampoo and medicine to be applied on the scalp.

If you prefer more natural methods, try reputable hair restoration specialists like Beijing 101 and Yun Nam. Although they they use alternative remedies, they do conduct a scientific scalp analysis and prescribe treatments based off it.

Undoubtedly, some hair loss problems cannot be solved in the short term if you are on long term medication or cancer treatment. However, if your hair loss is not attributed to such issues, there is hope to regain hair growth early. Do consult your doctor or a hair specialist once you notice your hair loss problem. The longer you put it off, the longer it takes for you to regain your thick crown of hair.


Some people think this is pretty and endeavour to be like this. If you agree, please consult a doctor.

Yahoo Singapore recently published a three-part report known as Thinspiration. It featured young girls who wanted to become skinny fast and the unhealthy methods they resorted to in order to achieve their desired size.

It is no news that fat-free celebrities have always been role models to young girls. With the K-Pop wave at full blast and constant exposure to slim and sexy Korean celebrities like Girls Generation who frequently flaunt their lanky silhouette and slim long legs in skin tights clothes and mini skirts, little wonder that many young girls feel inspired to slim down and get that size 0 look.
Being slim is good, but being unhealthily slim, or resorting to unhealthy methods to get thinner, can be detrimental to health, and even cause death.

In a quick and easy bid to shed off the excess weight, many women turn to diet pills or diet plans. Some go to the extreme of binging and become anorexic. These forms of weight loss are unhealthy and have many negative side effects to the body as well. They include hair loss, dry and flaky skin, porous bones and pale skin. Now what is the point of forcing yourself to slim down if you’re going to end up looking unattractive either way?

Did you know that many fit and fab celebrities put in a lot of hard work to maintain their physique, sticking to tough exercise regimes that involve regular workouts at the gym overseen by professional fitness instructors, and watching their diets stringently? They do not skip meals, but they are discerning eaters, and healthy food constitutes the bulk of their meals. That is why they look radiant and attractive, unlike those who diet through unhealthy ways.

In today’s fast-paced society, people want fast results and exercise is too slow and tough for the impatient and undetermined. However, it is undeniable that exercise is truly the healthiest and most effective form of weight loss, to be accompanied by a balanced diet of carbohydrates, meat, fruits and vegetables.

The optimum calorie intake for a healthy adult is:
• Men: 2500Cal
• Women: 2000Cal

The optimum BMI for Asian men and women is between 18.5-23.9. Click here to calculate your BMI.

There are many fuss-free ways to eat more healthily to lose or maintain your weight, without resorting to the extremes.

Singapore, being a food paradise, is home to many temptations that are oily and unhealthy . No doubt it is tough to make a decision between a delicious plate of char kway teow during lunch versus a plate of rice with lots of vegetables, but at least, there’s a choice!

In hawker centres and food courts, opt for soupy foods like fish soup or yong tau foo. Ask for more vegetables, request for less oil and cut down on carbohydrates like rice and bee hoon. These little adjustments to your meal will not only enable you to enjoy a hearty lunch but also ensure that it is healthier too!

When eating from fast food restaurants or in restaurants, some menus will have the healthier choice logo next to the food items. Opt for those choices instead and you won’t have to feel guilty about putting on those calories.

Apart from food, you can also cut down on sugary drinks and juices. Fruit juices might sound healthy but in fact can be loaded with sugar. Drink more water instead, at least 8 glasses a day, and if you want to have a glass of fruit juice, choose fresh fruit juices sold in hawker centres or make your own with a blender and fruits from the supermarket.

The healthiest way to be sure of what you are putting into your body is to pack your own meals. Home-cooked food is always the best. You know how much oil you have used, how the food was cooked and you can put in extra vegetables and use healthy grain rice to have a wholesome diet.

Nobody has to suffer to be slim. Don’t damage your looks and life just to shed some pounds.


Say Cheese! This ain't a dream.

You're not alone.

In busy Singapore where doing overtime and burning the midnight oil for school are norms, many people resort to drinking coffee or tea in order to stay awake. Some smoke or drink alcohol in attempt to unwind. Unfortunately, the rejuvenation effects of such methods are short, yet leave behind long-term detrimental side effects.
Not only do these habits take a toll on our health, they also cause aesthetic damage to our bodies, such as dull skin, wrinkles, yellow eyes, yellow nails and so forth. While there are things we can do to conceal the damages, such as chemical peels, thick make-up and manicures, discolouration of teeth is a problem that is one of the costliest and most difficult to hide.

A smile speaks a thousand words. A smile bearing a set of pearly white teeth makes a person look more appealing and attractive. But with our caffeine infused lifestyles, our teeth suffer from discolouration and weakening of the tooth enamel due to the acid present in these caffeinated drinks.

These days, DIY whitening products are readily available in supermarkets, pharmacies and online. These products are cheaper than visits to the dentist but claim to give visible results as good as what a consultation by the professional would yield.

These DIY products include whitening toothpaste, strips, trays and pens. They contain bleaching agents such as hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide that whiten the teeth. Natural stains on the teeth can be removed by the use of products that contain abrasive particles. Polishing and scaling use abrasive particles to remove unsightly stains.

Whitening toothpaste is a cheap and popular DIY whitening product. Most brands of whitening toothpaste are required to be used on a daily basis, for a period of a week or as stated on the instruction sheet of the product. Personally, I have tried Theramed whitening toothpaste and was happy with the results. After daily usage for a week, my teeth did become pearly white! Continuing this treatment once every three months helps to maintain that bright smile.

DIY whitening trays are more expensive than their toothpaste counterparts but are just as effective. These are available in pharmacies, but may be a little uncomfortable to place in the mouth as the trays are not custom-sized for the teeth. This method is not suitable for people with uneven teeth as the whitening effect may not be constant across the teeth.

While DIY methods are highly affordable ways to help you achieve that perfect smile, their effects are not permanent. They typically last for a few months, after which you will have to continue using the product to maintain your white teeth in the long run. However, this may cause over-bleaching or erosion of teeth, eventually leading to sensitive gums and teeth.

Professional whitening methods, on the other hand,  are more effective and the results can last for up to two or three years. There are two methods that most dentists use for whitening procedures, in-office bleaching and dentist-supervised home bleaching.

In-office bleaching is a laser treatment done in the dentist clinic. The whole procedure takes one to two hours. Dentist-supervised home bleaching involves a pair of custom-made whitening trays that holds a suitable amount of bleaching agent worn for a few hours a day. The custom-made tray ensures that your teeth are evenly bleached. Progress is monitored by the dentist over several weeks.

At the end of the day, good oral care is the most important as it will prevent tooth decays, gum diseases and other health related issues that can arise from poor oral hygiene. Remember to visit the dentist once every six months and see your dentist for professional help regarding any oral issues.

For more tips on good dental health, many which are highly manageable on your own, check out this article on Health Exchange!

