Leading an active life is paramount for a cancer patient. The American Cancer Society (ACS) promotes such a view, stating that " exercise is not only safe and possible during cancer treatment, but it can improve physical functioning and quality of life."

ACS also states that "Too much rest may result in loss of function, strength, and range of motion in the person with a chronic illness."

For many people however (including myself), getting round to exercising is easier said than done. Especially when it seems that all we can do is jogging.

So what can we do? Well, plenty it seems. There are many other ways you can exercise and have fun at the same time. Here are 10 great ideas:

1. Yoga

Yoga is a combination of breathing exercises, physical postures, and meditation. Apart from being an interesting and unique physical activity, it is also very relaxing. On top of that, it is thought to be able to prevent specific diseases and maladies by manipulating the body's 'inner energy'. Finally, once you have mastered the basics, you can perform the yoga moves at home!

2. Dancing

Dancing is fun, effective in burning calories and can be done anywhere, anytime. Furthermore, you can dance on your own, with someone or a whole crowd! You will also never get bored as there is a near inexhaustive list of dance genres you can experiment with, from salsa to ballroom dancing to hip hop and even line dancing!

3. Cycling

Regular cycling for periods of between 15 minutes to half an hour helps you to reduce weight. Cycling helps you not only to reduce weight but also prevents cardiovascular diseases, obesity and high blood pressure. It also has an added advantage of improving your mental coordination.

4. Rollerblading

Rollerblading is another fun exercise you can partake in. Picture yourself working out and enjoying the cool breeze slipping past you as you whizz around your estates. That's how wonderful an exercise roller blading can be. Rollerblading can be very cardiovascular as well and works out all muscles of the body. Similar to cycling, it also helps you improve your mental coordination. Make sure you have the proper protective gear like a helmet, knee and elbow pads, and have a go at rollerblading!

5. Team Sports

Joining a team sport like basketball, volleyball, and soccer can allow you to exercise with great fun! Organized sports are regularly offered through the community centers, who have their own sports clubs. In joining these clubs, you're guaranteed opportunities for exercise, during the course of which you'll also get to meet new people and maybe even engage in a little healthy competition.

6. Indoor Rock Climbing

Indoor rock climbing is a quite the modern sport, given that facilities for this sport have only just begun to spring up in convenient locations. That said, there are more than a couple of such facilities available for public use, giving you a good chance good chance to get some solid, fun exercise. Before you begin though, make sure you consult a doctor first because even as tame as it looks, indoor rock climbing can actually be quite strenuous. It won't feel that way though, as it is a truly fun activity!

7. Gardening

According to research from Virgina Tech University, gardening is a really effective way to exercise. It is a "moderate, and sometimes strenuous, exercise that incorporates many important elements of accepted exercise regimes, such as stretching and stance, repetition and movement, and even resistance principles similar to weight training, while expending calories." Gardening is also a rather relaxing activity, given that you are surrounded by peaceful nature while doing it. It will also allow you to enjoy loads of wonderful, fresh air!

8. Hiking

Similarly, taking a nice trek through the forests or a park is good exercise. Like gardening, you get the opportunity to work out and enjoy fresh, natural air. In addition, you may come across all sorts of vivid and soothing imagery as you stride across different landscapes and gaze upon Mother Earth's finest treasures.

9. Wii Fit

Wii ... what is a Wii? Many people are turning to this ubiquitious little gadget made by electronics giant Nintendo. Simply put, its a video games console. However, unlike traditional video games consoles, the Nintendo Wii makes playing games more physically involving than ever before. Take the Wii Fit for example, which Nintendo designed specifically to motivate people to get moving in their living room. The game features loads of exercises, which you can perform on your own time right in your own living room. Exercising while playing computer games? It doesn't get any better than this. Besides, when you're done, you can head out and choose from many other Wii games that allow you to burn some calories such as Wii Sports.

10. Martial Arts

Many martial arts disciplines place great emphasis on maintaining an optimum physique, which is usually accomplished through a basic exercise regime. Practising the different moves also require immense effort, which will pay off in terms of helping you maintain a healthy physical well-being. Like dancing, you have many types of martial arts to choose from. If you are seeking a more leisurely pace, you can enroll in Tai Chi classes for example. Other types of martial arts such as Wushu, Silat, Taekwando and Karate are also recommended, though you should seek medical advice from your doctor should you wish to practise those that require you to perform extremely strenuous feats.


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