How can we understand cancer patients? We know that they are suffering, but we will never know what it is that they are going through till we ourselves are in their shoes (something we hope will never befall on us.)

Cancer Patients’ lives are faced with such irony. They want to have knowledge, for knowledge is power. But at the same time, knowledge, can and will hurt you. The treatment is a long and torturous process; some recover, some do not. They often have to make difficult decisions.

It is hard for the patients but it is as hard for loved ones to stand by and watch helplessly as the patient deteriorates.

I guess the only way we can make things any easier is to just be there. We don’t necessarily need to ‘cheer them up’ because often, we don’t know how to.

In my own attempt to understand cancer patients, I came across a blogger who lost the cancer battle recently:

Shin Na was a South Korean Born US citizen, she was also a TV news reporter and a legal assistant. At the end of her life she lived in Singapore with her husband Tony and her tow young children. In her blog, she puts up happy pictures of her cherubic looking children. The way she and her husband writes is in a tone that accepts but at the same time, happy. It is indeed an inspiration to read. Although she is dying, her face is filled with a healthy glow and you forget for awhile that she is indeed sick.

The blog chronicles her even after her death through her husband, Tony and her good friend Michelle.

In her blog, she seems happy, in the company of her loved ones. Although, ultimately, it was a lone battle she had to fight, her loved ones were there all the way for her. It is when you see such loving photos, that you feel inspired by her and a warm, chicken soup for the soul feeling that indeed, love does exist.

In her blog, she writes with some humour. She said “This is the part in the movie where I say 'I'm dying' but it doesn't seem real and here I am carrying on as if nothing is wrong; and nothing is wrong. That's why they call it the silent killer.” She saw her life as a movie and she, the lead actress.

She faced death with courage and love, and although death did indeed conquer her, taking away her life, her love and courage shone through.

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