The pursuit of beauty is one of the main reasons that people perservere to exercise regularly. So it becomes an unfortunate irony when the process of working out makes you look unflattering!

In Singapore, there are lots of scenic parks and empty spaces, as well as highly affordable gyms to work out and exercise! But the problem that some people have with exercising outdoors is the inability to remain immaculate and well-groomed while you perspire and puff away. Wearing make-up is a no-no during exercise, and it is a difficult to keep your hair neat and tidy when you’re doing a vigorous workout. Those on the chubby side fear becoming laughing stocks as they expose their jiggly flabs, because long-sleeved trackpants and tshirts are simply impractical in Singapore weather. I know of some girls who would rather jog at night or in deserted places so that nobody will witness their ‘ugly’ side. Then there are those who avoid exercise altogether because they don't want to be seen looking huffy, sweaty and jiggly in public.

Frankly, health is more important than appearances, and no decent person is going to judge what you look like when you exercise. Besides, many internationally renowned sportswomen are still admired and loved despite having had some rather uh... unflattering shots flashed across the tv screens all over the world. But if you're really self-conscious about your looks… well there’s the saying ‘when there’s a will, there’s a way.’ Set up a home gym, and you can exercise any time you wish with plenty of privacy!

There are many other advantages of having a home gym, apart from protecting your image. You would not have to tote around a load of stuff with you as all the items you need including water and timers are available at home. You can work out anytime and shower off after that. You can even utilize spare time in the middle of an activity (e.g. scanning your computer, baking cookies or babysitting a child) to do some weight lifts for instance. Rain or shine, your exercise routine goes on as usual. You also save on travel time to the gym or the park.

It is possible to set up a gym at home for cheap, and you don’t even need fancy, bulky gym equipment or a lot of space. Look around your house and see what you have at hand. Water bottles filled with sand and water are good substitutes for dumb bells for strength training. Pull towels between your hands and use them for stretching exercises which can help to strengthen your back and arm muscles. Invest in a cheap yoga mat to do yoga, pilates, floor aerobics and exercises like sit-ups and push-ups. Never use the floor or your bed to do workouts. The former is too hard and can hurt you, while the latter lacks firmness and you will have a hard time doing your work out on it. Many basic and effective exercises like jumping jacks do not even require equipment. If you don’t mind spending a little more on some equipment, the treadmill is one of the most popular gym equipment facilitates that keeps your leg mucles moving.

Check out Youtube for aerobics routines and fitness lessons that you can watch and follow. You can also borrow workout DVDs at the library. In addition, many lifestyle magazines, health publications, websites and blogs document simple workouts that you can do by yourself at home. Keep a notebook for recording and sketching these tips so that you can alternate your workouts and break the monotony.

If you’re a fitness freak who’s keen on transforming your room into a professionally equipped gym, is a useful blog that provides advice on how you can do so, while taking into account many areas of concern such as space limitations.

Having a home gym is really beneficial, and the presence of all the equipment you’ve made or bought would be a significant motivational factor. However, it is still important that you make it a point to spend time outdoors and get some regular sun. People who don’t get enough sunlight may experience problems with Vitamin D deficiency, and Vitamin D is essential for many bodily functions, such as the absorption of calcium.

While there are often instructors at hand in the fitness classes and gyms to correct your flawed yoga poses or the frequency that you’re lifting your weights, you don’t have such an advantage at home. Attempting workouts that you are not familiar with could strain and hurt yourself instead. If you wish to try a more advanced workout, you should attend some classes, or seek a gym instructor’s advice before attempting it on your own. If you have health or obesity problems, do consult a doctor before you begin any sort of DIY exercise regime.

Wearing the right attire for exercise is still essential to ensure that you can work out comfortably and not hurt yourself. Even when you are at home, you should wear sports shoes throughout your work out to protect your feet (with exception of yoga, pilates and other exercises that do not require footwear).

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