This strange looking concoction could change your life. Or at least, your weight.

Vinegar has always been known to have health benefits. It benefits the digestive system, improving absorption and utilization of essential nutrients. It also helps to regulate blood sugar levels. However, vinegar on its own is also difficult to stomach, particularly in people who have weak stomachs and gastric as vinegar is highly acidic.

Hence, along came the Banana Vinegar diet, which was the rage in Japan and Korea years ago. It actually originated from Japan, where a Japanese actress claims she lost 15 pounds of weight while on this diet. It is believed that vinegar helps to control blood sugars after meals, makes one feel full quickly when ingested with rice, and brings out amino acids in the banana, which curbs appetite.

In recent times, due to the popularity of K-pop, people have started talking about the diet again. Some swear by it for their slimming endeavours, although the diet in itself does not actually have much scientific basis. Nevertheless, vinegar and bananas are healthy, and regardless whether it truly works in the department of weight loss, there isn't much harm in trying this. In any case, it also has other benefits such as improving constipation and complexion due to its ability to detoxify.

All you need is vinegar, brown sugar, bananas and a jar.

Cut up a medium ripe banana into small pieces and mix with vinegar and brown sugar in a jar in the ration of 1:1:1. Fruit vinegar, distilled vinegar or rice vinegar are fine.

Microwave the jar (without a lid) for about 40 seconds.

Seal it and set it aside overnight.

Store it in the fridge for two weeks.

After about one to two weeks, you can start consuming the concoction.

Vinegar will last over a year, but sliced bananas have a shorter expiry date and it is best to consume it all within 2 weeks.

As vinegar is very potent, it is recommended that you consume just 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 1 banana slice just before each meal with a glass of water. Never attempt to try to consume a large amount on its own as it could be taxing on your throat and stomach. Vinegar is after all very sour.

If you want it sweeter, add more brown sugar or bananas.

Do note that this diet should not be a substitute of all other efforts to keep in shape. You should still continue your healthy lifestyle of exercising and eating healthily.

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