Video games get a lot of flak for creating couch potatoes out of people, so the newly released Pokemon Go is a breath of fresh air for getting these couch potatoes out of their homes to catch Pokemon. Already, there are lots of memes about Pokemon Go that resemble the before-after ads used by slimming agencies.

Can the game really help create a fitness regime though? The game is not yet available in Singapore, but once it is, surely many people would love to kill two birds with one stone and keep fit while achieving their gaming goals.

For the unaware, Pokémon Go works like a digital treasure hunt. Every now and then, a new Pokémon (Pocket monster, those things you’re supposed to catch) will spawn in a different area in the player’s country, and the player will have to go to that place to ‘catch’ it with their phones. Additionally, there is something called Pokémon eggs, and in order to hatch the egg, the player, or rather, the player’s gadget on which the game is installed on, will have to be on the move, which is yet another motivation to get up and about (though the lazy have come up with pretty ingenious ideas like tying their phones to the ceiling fans or around their dogs’ collars)

Since its release last week, players have already reaped some notable benefits. The spawning of new Pokémon in various places encourages people to seek new territory. When the terrain changes e.g. sloping up in the case of the hill, or is on more rocky ground, players have to expend more energy and work their muscles harder while on the move, and this will help to lose more calories. Some players choose to walk instead of taking public transport because some places are simply more accessible by walking. Those who have led a sedentary life far too long have even complained of sore legs due to clocking in far more mileage than they usually do.

In Singapore, most of us walk on smooth terrain everyday, but perhaps Pokémon hunting might take us to places we may not go to on a regular basis, places with rougher terrain, such as Bukit Timah Hill for example! For those who cycle, cycling will undoubtedly be an easier way to reach less accessible places compared to taking the public transport or driving. 

In London, Virgin Active has created the world’s first Pokémon Go inspired training run. Runners and players can take part in personal-trainer-guided runs, jogging a route in which they can capture Pokémon. Running is popular in Singapore, so you can be sure that this will catch on as soon as the game is launched here.

The game also has benefits for emotional wellbeing. For one, it connects likeminded gamers; you’re very much likely to bump into fellow trainers at the spot that spawned the Pokémon. Some players are even teaming up to go places and do hunts together. Getting players outdoors and meeting friends helps to alleviate emotional issues such as anxiety and depression.

By encouraging players to get out and about, Pokémon Go certainly sets the groundwork for a more active lifestyle. But to fully make use of the physical benefits of Pokémon Go, a few things come into consideration. Posture is always important for any sort of exercise. Keep your form upright, don’t slouch over your phone. Enjoy the sights around you as you walk. Wear suitable clothing for physical activity. The appropriate footwear is a must. Wear shoes meant for walking or running if you’re travelling on foot for long distances. Those who are overweight or have weak knees would also want to consider knee support guards. It is also important to listen to your body and don’t over-exert yourself. More importantly, do not attempt to scale difficult terrain without prior practice or the right equipment. Being a few weeks out with a sprain or fracture will no doubt be a huge damper on your Pokémon Go endeavours.

Going Pokémon hunting cannot substitute a full workout routine that encompasses other aspects like strength training, reflexes etc however. You would still need to include other forms of exercises and sports for a wholesome routine. Nevertheless, getting up and about is better than sitting on the couch.

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