If you’re already tired of Pokemon Go, Health Promotion Board’s National Steps Challenge Season 2 may be the answer to motivation to get out and about. Of course, we should exercise for the sake of our health rather than for other motivations (as that’s how we give up once the motivation is gone) but sometimes we just need that little push.

Under the National Steps Challenge, you accumulate points from walking daily, and these points can be exchanged for up to $35 worth of vouchers and chances to participate in a grand lucky draw. These are not much, but are surely some fun elements to get you walking. I recall feeling pretty excited when I received a $5 NTUC voucher from last season’s NSC.

Participating is free. You will need a smart phone with Bluetooth connectivity, HPB’s official steps tracker, and their official app. You can reuse your old steps tracker if you participated in season 1, or get it free at NSC’s upcoming road shows. More information is available here: http://www.healthhub.sg/programmes/37/nsc I like that the steps tracker is pretty funky looking (I’ve received some compliments and interest in it) and you can use it as a watch.

If you don’t wish to wear it, you could just hang it on your bag or put it in your pocket. Just be sure to try to carry it everywhere with you.

The recommended amount of steps one should walk is 10,000 steps, and therefore, the highest tier of points (60 points) is allocate to the achievement of 10,000 steps. It may sound daunting to those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, but it is really easy to accumulate these steps. Just slip in some opportunities to incorporate more walking into your daily life. Walk to the pantry and refill your mug at least once every hour. Too often we are so focused on our work that we forget to top up much needed moisture. Get up and go to the toilet every hour, as long as it does not affect productivity. Freshen up, wash your face, stretch. You will feel more energized. And if you go out for lunch, or you buy groceries, all these will add on to your step count. Take these opportunities to increase your step count; make a detour, walk a longer route, browse through more shelves, park your car further away… If you are ambitious and want to aim for all 10,000 steps, then you would want to add in a daily walk or jog under your flat to your routine. It doesn’t take much time. A half hour brisk walk can easily net about 4000 steps.

If you’d like to take a proper walk amidst greenery and scenic views, options are aplenty. Nparks has put together a substantial list of walking trails in Singapore, many which will allow you to appreciate the local flora and fauna, and even some heritage spots and buildings: https://www.nparks.gov.sg/gardens-parks-and-nature/walks-and-tours/going-on-a-diy-walk

Long walks are great opportunities to spend time with your loved ones, or even to enjoy some me-time. Just be sure to check the weather forecast, use sunblock, bring bottled water (some parks have water coolers where you can refill your water), wear light clothing and walking shoes.

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