Being a cancer patient often means lots of rest. But being a cancer patient should not mean it restricts your quality of life. Cancer patients should continue living life the fullest, day by day. If you want to travel, go ahead and just do it!

1. Get the green light from your doctor
Talking to your doctor will allow you to learn what you can or cannot do. You may want your doctor to write down a certification as well, to assure that you can travel.

2. Take along extra medicine
Always take extra precaution before you leave. When travelling, keep medicine with you and not in the suitcase. You may want to note down the medicines that you will be bringing, as it may come in handy if you need to verify with a pharmacy or hospital.

3. Find doctors that you can consult at your destination.
That way it’ll be easier in case anything happens. You will know where to go and what to do. Ask your doctor for some recommendations

4. Make sure you are covered by Insurance
Call your health insurance company to see if you are covered overseas, or if you need to go a certain hospital or doctor.

5. Ensure the medical equipment you are using is suitable for usage and suited for you. Take note of this especially in airports and foreign travel.

6. Ensure that your medicine is not illegal in the country you are travelling to
If you have medicine that is illegal, ensure you have a doctor’s note explaining why you need a certain drug.

7. Rest
Don’t overstrain yourself. Make sure you give yourself enough time to rest. Take 15-20 minutes of rest every few hours. This can save and build up energy for later. Don’t overdo it. Whenever you feel tired, sit down, lay down so simply just relax.

8. Arrange for assistance to your gate at the airport
Walking to different terminals and gates can be physically exhausting, especially for someone who does not have cancer. When checking your baggage, let the airline know you need assistance to the gate.

9. Be sure to bring snacks and pack light meals
The smell of food to chemotherapy patients can be extremely nauseating. Bring along snacks and a packed lunch whenever you travel. The different aromas can cause terrible nausea and vomiting for some cancer patients.

10. Enjoy yourself
Keeping the mind off cancer can help you cope better. Take your meds on time and avoid being overly stressed.

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