Source: Cartoon Stock

In today's image-conscious society, acne, more commonly known as pimples, is an absolute nightmare. It can ruin a date, a potential business deal and even a job interview.

Acne appears as a big red bump on your face, neck, chest or shoulder. Sometimes this acne can be painful and is filled with pus. If it is not treated properly, it could spread and cause more complication. How is acne formed? This video offers quite a good visual explanation. Don't worry, it isn't gruesome.

The million-dollar question is: How can we treat acne effectively?

The problem with acne is that there is no universal method for its treatment. This is why some people still have it in their adulthood, despite having tried all sorts of remedies. Nevertheless, there are still some methods that are universally popular and recommended.

First of all, never, ever pick at your pimples as this can lead to infection and scarring. When you pick your pimple, the bacteria on your hands are transferred onto the pimple where it grows inside the infected pore causing the pimple to swell and get bigger. There are lots of DIY tools in various beauty shops and pharmacies for picking and squeezing pimples, but this should really only be done by experts who have the appropriate equipment to sanitise the tools and your pimple.

Instead, use pimple creams to kill the bacteria in the pimple. Pimple creams or gels that contain either salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide heal pimples pretty quickly. My personal recommendations are pimple creams from Garnier and Neutrogena which contain salicylic acid, as well as Oxy, which contains benzoyl peroxide. For a natural remedies, apply tea tree oil (available at The Bodyshop) to the affected area. This will help kill off pimple causing bacteria as well.

Having a regular skin care routine is important in keeping our face clean and pimple free. The common 3-step facial routine starts off with cleansing followed by toning and finally moisturizing. This should be done twice a day, once in the day and once in the night. Always use a gentle cleanser and not a harsh soap, as soaps can make the skin dry, which will lead to a higher sebum production and in turn, more pimples.

Toner is important as it balances the PH levels of the skin, making it less susceptible to acne as acne thrives in acidic conditions. Avoid toners that contain high alcohol content as it can dry up the skin. Stick to alcohol-free toners that contain witch-hazel extract. This can reduce inflammation on the pimple.

Moisturizing is an important step, because if you don’t moisturize your face, fine lines and wrinkles will develop earlier due to the lack of moisture. Always use a moisturizer suitable for your skin type. For dry to normal skin types, use a cream base moisturizer. As for combination to oily skin, use water-base or gel-base moisturizers as it is not as rich and will not clog pores.

Do you know that people with oily skin develop wrinkles later than people with dry to normal skin? This is because sebum production is higher, and keeps our skin moisturized naturally, preventing fine lines and wrinkles from developing early.

An additional step to your skin care routine includes application of eye cream, pimple cream, and slapping on sunblock in the day to prevent damage from the UVB and UVA rays from the sun. Remember to exfoliate your skin two to three times a week followed by a face mask.

Homemade facials
Facials may be considered a luxury to some, and they might not be willing to spend money on getting it done regularly. The benefits of getting a regular facials is that it can keep your skin smooth and clear as the products used are more potent in killing acne bacteria.

You can save money and still do regular facials by DIY face masks that can be done in the comfort of your home. Instead of using drugstore bought masks, which can get pricey, why not try some fresh homemade facials that will not only entice your palette but also feed your skin with natural goodness?

Strawberry Cream Mask
¼ cup of fresh strawberries (ORGANIC is best and NOT frozen!)
1 banana
¼ cup of plain organic yogurt or sour cream
1 tablespoon of organic honey

Mash strawberries and banana and mix together with the plain yogurt or sour cream and honey. Apply all over your face (avoid getting it in your eyes!) and neck. Allow to sit on your skin for 15-20 minutes. Rinse mask off with warm water. Save any leftover Strawberry Cream Mask in a closed container, refrigerated, for future use.

Strawberries contain a large amount of Vitamin C, which is known to play a key role in the production of collagen. Vitamin C aids in anti-aging, and also reduces fine lines and wrinkles and minimizes blemishes and acne. Vitamin C is a key ingredient in many skin care products.
Omega-3 fatty acids are not only found in fish oils, but strawberries as well! Omega-3 helps reduce inflammation in the body and skin, and can hydrate skin that is dry and flaky (especially beneficial for those dealing with Psoriasis, Eczema, and Dermatitis). It also helps with keeping the skin looking younger.

Salicylic acid is also found in strawberries, which minimizes acne and rids the skin of dead skin cells so fresh, renewed skin can surface. Strawberries also contain loads of antioxidants that helps fight free radicals that attack your skin, helping you look more youthful and giving a beautiful glow to your skin. Strawberries also lighten the skin pigmentation. It is a bonus to apply the mask on the under eye area as well as it can lighten dark circles.

Plain organic yogurt or honey will give you added moisture and leave your skin glowing.
Bananas are great for reducing skin inflammation and for soothing blemishes and breakouts.
Honey is a wonderful antioxidant proven to help reduce impurities from the skin and battle mild acne. It also restores the skin’s texture due to its anti-microbial properties, and will help repair skin damage from the sun and daily environments.

For more homemade facial recipes, click here .

Reminder: Before applying home made facials on your face, remember to test some of it on a small area of your skin (you can try it at the back of your arm), just in case your skin develops an adverse reaction to it.

There are many other products in the market. Get recommendations from friends and pharmacists (Most Guardians have an in-house pharmacist on duty). Try them and see which produce the best effects. If your skin doesn’t get better, consider seeing a dermatologist for further treatment.


By: Veronica Tay

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