These days, Singaporeans are making visible attempts to become more health-conscious. Many nationwide marathons and sports events are held in Singapore, often receiving huge turn outs. HDB residents are happy to utilise the exercise corners below their flats to work out regularly. It is a common sight to see people jogging and cycling in the parks and around the HDB estates. Yet obesity is a pressing problem, and the belly fat phenomenon remains the bane of office workers who spend the bulk of their office hours glued to their computers.

Fats are being stored in our body as a form of reserved energy, to be used during times of need like famine. However, when too much fats are stored and we are not active enough to burn off those stored energy, we pile on the fat.

The fats accumulated around our waist are the effects from eating too much unhealthy food. Much of our diet in today’s day and age contains a high content of refined sugars, trans fat, saturated fat and refined carbohydrates. When consumed, these fats are stored around our body, mostly under our skin. But the fats that are stored at our tummy area surrounds the stomach organ and cannot be burnt off easily.

Foods to avoid

Many of our favourite foods tend to be those that are high in fat, sugar or both. These include fast foods, unhealthy snacks and pastries. Fatty meats, such as steaks, lamb, hot dogs, pepperoni and bacon, are high in saturated fat, a fat form linked to an increased risk for obesity and heart disease.
Foods high in sodium, also known as salt, is also one of the culprits that cause us to put on weight. While taking in salt won’t make you accumulate fat, the salt inflates the fat cells with water, making us feel and look bloated. This results in what is commonly known as water retention.

What should we eat?

We should eat foods by the appropriate serving size according to the food type. Use the food pyramid below as a guide.

Implications of Belly Fat

The size of our belly determines how healthy we are. The thicker your waists, the more susceptible you are to cardiovascular diseases, type-2 diabetes, stroke, breast cancer and colorectal cancer.
In short, the rounder and broader your waist is, you are at a higher risk in developing chronic health problems.

Work off that belly

There is no immediate remedy to getting rid of all those stubborn belly fat. Exercise is essential in burning off all that belly fat. Contrary to what many assume, stomach exercises such as sit-ups and crunches do not help in losing that tummy but rather, cardio exercises such as jogging and brisk walking are very effective in helping you achieve a flatter stomach.

Do these exercise two to three times a week and have a proper diet that is filled with lots of fruits, vegetables and lean meat such as fish and chicken breast meat. Opt for steamed or grilled meats rather than fried of barbecued food items.

Remember, before you start off a diet plan or a rigorous exercise regime, do consult your doctor to ensure that your body is in the right condition to do so.

Written by: Veronica Tay

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