Indigestion is a common problem that occurs during Chinese New Year due to the widespread presence of delicacies and constant eating that goes on at gatherings and in celebration of the festival.
Indigestion is never a nice feeling. It makes you feel uncomfortable, nauseous and hampers your appetite, which can be a real killjoy. The most effective way to solve this problem is to avoid over-eating, but that can be easier said that done, so here are some quick remedies to help relief your problem by the next meal.

1) Keep relevant medication handy

Poh Chai pills and over-the-counter antacids like Eno and Gaviscon are known to quite effective in relieving the symptoms of indigestion. Always keep them handy, so you can turn to them when you're feeling the toil. Antacids are particularly good for heartburn while poh chai pills help ease queasiness and stomach upset, but give it a while to take effect as Chinese medication tends to require time to work.

2) Try not to lie down when you're full, and don't sleep on your back if you must
Your last meal should be at least 3 hours before bedtime. If you're still feeling full by bedtime, turn to your side, and keep your head elevated on your pillow while you're sleeping. This will decrease the sensation of acid reflux by preventing acid from rising to your chest.

3) Drink hot tea
Tea, especially Chinese tea helps ease the feeling of indigestion. It is a great beverage to go with buffet and occasions when you'll be eating a lot, in particularly oily food. Camomile tea would be the best option as camomile has always been a well-regarded treatment for indigestion which soothes the stomach and intestinal tract.

4) Chew something
Chewing helps stimulate saliva, which aids in digestion. Acid that accumulates in the gut is washed away and cleared more quickly, thus eliminating the problem of heartburn. Chew on a sweet or a gum after your meal to alleviate indigestion.

5) Popular home remedies which you can drink before and after food
    #1 Mix honey with 2 spoons of lime and ginger juice in a glass of water.
    #2 One teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and honey with a glass of water
    #3 One teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Apparently this helps to neutralise stomach acid. You can also add a few drops of lemon to it.

6) Put an ice pack on your stomach if it hurts. This should help ease the pain.

Do not start wolfing down your food again when you're feeling better. The problem could return. You don't have to turn away food, but eat slowly and chew your food. Eating at top speed makes you swallow gas, which leads to bloating.

Happy Chinese New Year!

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