February is a month that symbolises love, but did you know that it is also Heart Month in America? The heart is often seen as a symbol of love, and therefore, the Americans have assigned it to the month of love, as a reminder to show yourself love and to keep your heart healthy for the sake of yourself and your loved ones.

Fortunately, heart disease, also known as CVD or Cardiovascular Disease, as several risk factors that can be controlled by yourself. Have some self-discipline, and it isn't all the difficult to keep your heart healthy.

Eat Healthily
Consume fresh fruits and vegetables in ample amounts. A healthy adult should have at least five servings a day. Sodium, saturated fat and trans fat, and bad cholesterol are risk factors for high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol, which are in turn, risk factors for CVD, so steer away from them as much as possible!

Have a healthy weight
Obesity is a risk factor for CVD. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is an effective indicator of whether your weight lies in the healthy range.Use HPB's BMI calculator to determine if your weight is in the healthy range. If it isn't, it is time to look into adjustments in your diet, exercising more, and perhaps even engaging a dietician to help you.

Exercise more
Exercise not only helps you to lose weight, it also strengthens your heart muscles, and helps to release stress, a significant cause of high blood pressure and conversely CVD. A brisk walk in the park can help to take your mind off things that matter less than your health.

Don't smoke, limit alcohol use
Both vices are risk factors for CVD, so avoid them as much as possible. According to HPB, men should drink no more than 2 standard drinks a day, and women, no more than 1. A standard alcoholic drink is defined as can (220 ml) regular beer, 1 glass (100 ml) wine or 1 nip (30 ml) spirits.

Get enough good quality sleep
Let your heart have optimal rest to repair itself.

Get friends and family involved
It's a lot of easier and fun to pick up healthy habits when you have company for your exercises, sports, healthy dinners etc. Spread the awareness on the importance of a healthy heart, it's a great way to show your love and appreciation for their presence in your life!

Already down with CVD-related illnesses? (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes)
Don't despair. You can keep your condition under control if you practice good health habits as discussed above. Above all, make sure you're getting medical help. Work closely with your health care team and follow their advice. Monitor your blood pressure and blood sugar levels, have your cholesterol checked regularly, and take your medicine as instructed.

In today's budget speech, a slew of medical benefits were announced for elderly Singaporeans:

The Pioneer Generation (those who were at least 16 years old in 1965 and citizens by 1987) will get an additional 50% off their net subsidised bills at SOC and polyclinics and extra outpatient subsidies in 3 areas.

All Pioneer Gen will be on the Community Health Assistance Scheme; existing members enjoy additional subsidies. Read about CHAS here.

They will also receive Medisave top-ups of $200 - $800 a year, be covered and receive enhanced coverage under Medishield Life and receive 40-60% subsidy for Medishield Life premiums.

Those 55 years & above who are not considered part of the Pioneer Generation will receive Medisave top-ups of $100-200 annually over next five years.

Despite rising healthcare costs, the government has strategies in place to soften the blow, so don't neglect your health over financial concerns!

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