My best friend always gets agitated when we’re eating together. The reason being she can gobble down her sandwich in less than 5 minutes while I take my time to savour it and finish in no less than 10 minutes. Apparently waiting for me for another 5 more minutes means life or death to her. I try to explain to her over and over again why I eat slowly, but it just gets her more agitated.

Well. Here are the facts, standing at 1.76 m and weighing close to 80kg, my best friend is a significantly bigger person than me. I on the other hand stand at 1.56m and weigh less than 50kg. Now, I don’t mean to brag, but the facts are clear and I am physically lighter than her. I do attribute this to many of my other healthier habits, however, eating slow, I believe, has helped me maintain my lighter weight.

Not interested in weight loss? Well here are some other reasons why you should eat slower:

1. Portion Control
Eating slowly helps you with your portion control. Eating slower helps you feel full easier, It is suggested that it takes about 20 minutes for you stomach to produce the hormones telling your brain that you are full.

2. Weight Control
Japanese researchers have found strong positive correlation between higher eating speed and obesity.

3. Other than taking up a little more time, eating slowly really does not have any disadvantages. It does not have any negative effects on your health and can really bring you a number of benefits without extra cost

4. By eating slowly you will be able to appreciate your food better. You can enjoy the textures, foods and flavours of the food you eat.

5. Eating slowly aids digestion. Eating slowly allows the food to be chewed into smaller pieces while saliva continues to break it down. This makes the food easier to digest.

6. It will lessen the chance of heartburn. Eating food quickly may cause a type of indigestion called gastroesophageal reflux.

So why not spend more of that 10 minutes (if you can afford it, but how many of us dare say we can’t?) enjoying the simple pleasures of life. Eating is a simple luxury that many of us forget we have. Truly, get to know that sandwich or that bowl of wanton mee today.

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