We all know that exercising has many benefits. In fact, it is impossible to lead a healthy lifestyle without exercise. Also when exercising, it can be a good thing to push yourself a little, get a little further and achieve better results.

However, it can be common that many people actually over train. How do you know you are pushing yourself too much?

- When you feel the workout is too much too handle
- When you are taking too many deep breaths before your body cools down
- Decrease in performance
- Loss in appetite
- Fatigue (Exercise is supposed to help increase your alertness, not make you more tired)
- Achiness in joints and/or muscles
- Prone to falling sick easily (have symptoms such as colds, coughs or fevers)
- Elevated morning pulse
- More aches than usual
- It gets harder to fall asleep

A typical run should last not more than 20 minutes. Be careful not to over tire yourself. Run at your own pace and be know when its time to give up. If you feel your heart rate is over pumping, it’s probably time to stop.

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